Saturday, February 23, 2008

Let/For Poem

Let Daniel rejoice with the Penguin,
For he, too, is loyal for life.
Let Katy rejoice with the Peacock,
For her feathers are always perfect, though in a tizzy.
Let Tyler rejoice with the Owl,
For his wisdom and advice are beyond his years.
Let Chris rejoice with the Dog,
For he has bravely chosen to protect us from the enemy.
Let Melissa rejoice with the Camel,
For she is steadfast and sturdy.
Let Michael rejoice with the Chameleon,
For he changes his colors almost as frequently.
Let Kelly rejoice with the Dragon,
For with her hot air, she could burn forests.
Let Bree rejoice with the Beaver,
For she sees the value in doing things well.
Let Emily rejoice with the Feline,
For she, too, is content to rely on herself.
Let Kori rejoice with the Nightingale,
For she sings generously to those who are downtrodden.
Let Tiffany rejoice with the mother Hen,
For she also knows what it is like to care for many eggs.
Let Rachael rejoice with the Platypus,
For she, too, is a mixture of many things…

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