Friday, February 22, 2008

Cathode Ray Brilliance

Joanna inspired this one with her prior post...

Let Swearingen slit that cocksucker’s throat and call happy hour pussy on the house.
For the whiskey runs afoul in forlorn dour traces and the sins of man drink deep of the spirit.
Let Willow get all veiny and with blackest arts summon nigh the witches’ creed.
For nascent alchemy and Sapphic lore crown the cathode king at dawn each morn.
Let Agent Cooper remind Dianne of the Sphinx and praise the pastry crisp.
For as the palimpsest obfuscates, the unfurled mind extrapolates that it may yet intuit the adversary.
Let Kal-El weep for Krypton and in passive stature await the rise of THE NEW MAN.
For martyrs are wont for glory when in mercenary behest of their nemesi.
Let G.O.B. divine the cuff-link malfunction and perform the Coptic chicken-dance.
For the priapic father strands the family only to be amorous with an ice-cream sandwich.
Let Starbuck kick the viper over toast to herald loud the limitations of finite men.
For fleets of dust assail the void in anticipation of the prophetic twelfth model.
Let Angelus bleed wanton hearts as the leech remedies aortic distress, devouring vigour.
For darkness subsumes the soul and entreats mercy to witness IMMORTALITY.
Let Mulder relieve the SPIRITUS MUNDI and with onanic glee proclaim the viral hegemony.
For the kiss was late and abrupt when the ferrous maiden had passed her eighth season.
Let Nate Fischer renew his vow and suffer no more the strain of the electric cerebellum.
For at the house of death is love in repose to the familial concubine interred.
Let Titus Pullo at last sodomize the Assyrian maiden in full affront to the Phaedra.
For Ceaser avails all to the brute whim of the courageous heart inflagrate.
Let Kramer, swathed in bohemian glamour, create the boulliabase lavatorium.
For the NINTH was least and the FOURTH best when George was Van De Lay.
Let Rod Serling bless all with the paternal ectoplasm of memory and the golden age.
For none shall move beyond the ZONE wherein lies the glass teat.

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