Saturday, February 23, 2008

let us rejoice with some birds

Let Clover rejoice with the robin, whose appearance heralds the awakening of the world.
For Spring is undeniably forthcoming, and with it, release from our winter sorrows.

Let Terra rejoice with the phoenix, who is reborn in fire.
For though I have been greatly wronged, I have risen from these ashes.

Let Amanda rejoice with the crow, a crafty bird who sees the truth.
For I know that without such insight, neither of us could have survived this winter.

Let Melody rejoice with the swan, who is quiet, but dreams mightily.
For I have sat in silence with the deepest of feelings.

Let Laine rejoice with the starling, who flies far and speaks to all,
For I have searched alone, and discovered that connections are important.

Let Fran rejoice with the bluejay, who is fast and dedicated.
For I have seen that power is second to tenacity.

Let Claire rejoice with the owl, who flies by night with great silent wisdom.
For I have heard unspoken things far wiser than any counsel.

Let Henry rejoice with the woodpecker, who keeps time and foretells things.
For I have striven to do right, and to listen to the words of woodpeckers.

Let Felix rejoice with the pelican, who is comical in appearance but rises above his trials.
For those who face trials with a sense of humor are blessed.

Let Summer rejoice with the raven, whose coming foretells victory.
For when a black thing is spotted in a black hour, ill omens are not always at hand.

Let Ashley rejoice with the eagle, who flies highest of all,
For I, who have fallen far, will thereafter soar.

Let Sarah Jane rejoice with the hummingbird, who is small, but carries optimism in his wings.
For I have traveled far to find many things, but most of all hope.

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