Friday, February 22, 2008

Let and For poem about everything

Let FLOWER rejoice, the leader of the meerkats and most brave.
For she will forever watch her clan of over joyful family.
Let the snow fall over a foot above my car.
For God sends this as a sign of thanks for getting up at six every morning.
Let the makers of Kleenex add more lotion to every tissue.
For my noise is too raw for another.
Let the tree fall away from my car.
For I’m sick of wiping bird crap off of it.
Let the idiot who can’t park lose her license.
For I’m tired of leaving notes on her ugly car.
Let a contestant on Deal or No Deal win the million.
For I just want to see someone win.
Let ME rejoice for spring break, because I really need a break.
For I am sleeping in every day.
Let the sharks rejoice for the amount of salt water.
For then they have less reasons to come towards the shores.
Let Americans rejoice for television.
For a saw a show today that said New Zealand only had four TV channels.
Let Me rejoice for winter scarf’s, gloves, and hats.
For if I didn’t have them I would never go to class when it’s cold.
Let the weekend never end, because I deserve it.
For I have too much homework to do.
Let no one read my poem, because I’m sick.
For I don’t even know if I did this right.

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