Saturday, February 16, 2008





turducken formed on the T/r/opical

Sunny day of the Easter mourn with

the chocolate/cake that dad left me

not eat for the mourn.

A cake-less variety of man which

ALONE one cat could not eat,

but the Cake® isn't a lie, but Lying

is the cakE with the pudding

pops. To arms! Bear Arms!

Bear arms with fuzz and fur and warm

on the tooth-less rock garden.

Thus speakth the deepth thinkerth:

1337 teh awsom CH0C0LATE!!!!

gratz ftw & wtf roflcopter lmao

total noob - omg lulz dis tpic is so 1337

zomg NO000O0O0OOOO0!!1!11

lol can ne1 tel mee

how 2 post heeroes?


And the lying down Cake® takes no answer

for no and waltzes through the

SG1 with no c.s. Lewis behind him to guide

to the magic place of wonder,: Candy Mountain.

THEY TOOK MY FUCKING kidneys. I need those

why would they do such and evil act

with the dancing and the singing and the magical

leoplaridon. Why has not spoketh the Caketh®?

All that remains is the disturbed faktion.

Evans blue matches to the Black Parade

with the Snow Patrol and a DragonForce.

No cs games to play with the sniping and the camping

and the fuckin assholes who are complete and utter

worthless dicks... damn them, damn them to hell and the horse

they rode in on.




turduckin in the form of a Cake

with no icing and no marbled stone

to chew one damn it all

I hate them wabbits and the carrots.


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