Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friends and Scream

Oh thy beautiful works of NBC
Studios I thank thee for contributions
Made to the pop-culture of my high school
Life. Thy shows Thursday made and Friday talked
Led to thirsty Thursdays becoming less
Liquid filled. Seinfeld, Will and Grace, E.R.
And FRIENDS. FRIENDS with the characters that we
All know for the most part. The opening
Song talked to everyone, even high school
Children who didn’t have a job that was
A joke or a “love life” that was D.O.A.
FRIENDS was as great a show as any ever had.
The characters of thy show, minor and major
In tandem were what reason we allowed
Them into our living rooms week in and out.
Chandler thy lovable loser, nothing right
In your life goes. You meet a girl and find
A flaw with her right away. There seemed to
Be no hope for you, that always you should
Be that guy who never got any but
Then you hooked up with your best friend and life
Started turning out good. Your roommate Joey
Did not share the luck that thou had. He was
A player from day one and ended up
On a crap filled spin-off that no chance saw
A second season. Ross was the dork that all
Rooted to get the girl in the end.
Marriage after marriage hopes began to
Flutter. After drunken sensualities
Nine months waiting desperately and a
Baby later he finally got all
That we knew would happen.
Rachel, the fairest of all, even after
The show you, Aniston, are still alive.
You saw the greatest success of the show.
Where others have fallen, you have risen
To make semi-decent to crap-filled movies.
But all that is forgivable due to the
Personal life we all know in gratitude
To Enquirer and such. Monica,
The overly obsessive one, how I
Wish you were in my life to make food worthy
Of gods and keep the house clean in case of visits.
Phoebe, finally, was the awkward one
That all felt bad for due to history that
Preceded her. Her life paralleled the
Song Rembrandts sang. Her frivoulessness led
People to laugh, even childish it
May have been. Outside one, the others have
Not succeeded since, but that matters not
Since they all made one million plus per
Episode. One went to make a show that
Was cancelled within the season. One went
To marry a lead from Scream. Ah, thy holy
Scream, a slasher from my generation.
It truly was amazing and a pop-culture-a-thon
The sequels did suck major but the first
Was the only that mattered. Quotably infinite
The movie led to many clones, all sucking
Like a child on a bottle. But that
Original was worth the crap we had
To sift through for the one line that came
At the end “Your mother strutted her shit
Around like she was Sharon Stone, but let’s
Face it, she was no Sharon Stone.” Amazing
Line to the awesomeness of the overall movie.

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