Saturday, February 16, 2008

Genital Spanish

“I feel that there is a lot of penis in your speech”
. I am the great nephilim of humanity
. The son of God after all

“But you eat pestilence”
. Para breakfasto
. Por que me llamo English
My words live on comet tails
and in the sky where there is Chaplain B
and on a farm where there was Farmer Was
. Farmer Was was not a c.s.
. but his son might have been a c.s. or a m.f.
. a g.d. c.s. m.f. s.o.b. queer

Tengo un grande stiffo
. Farmer Was was not proud of what wd be his sn’s
. And Chaplain B has a frog in her throat
What is a frog but a green gato
“Pound me”
. I cannot pound what I cannot see
. and I cannot see you because it is dark
. and you are African

“That is uncalled for”
. Farmer Was was in agreement with this assessment
. but his g.d. c.s. m.f. s.o.b. d.h. sn queer wd not

You eat the stank off my barefeet
“But they give shoes in prison”
. Ws not prison bt Hell
. Hell I saw and the Jersey coast
. You eat the stank of my Jersey barefeet

I am more realer than you
and my speech is not of penis but dick
. and that is more profounder and bien than tu
Estoy Spanish and Chaplain B approves

My feet are sore because they tread on your dreams
. and you dream of c.s.’s and Farmer Was’s sn

And if you weren’t such a g.d. c.s. m.f. a.h. d.h. s.o.b. d.b.
. I would respect you
But my words are too pronounced to b prncd and you are too dmb to knw them because my hgh spch confuses one sch as you and Farmer Was who was nvr going to tlk to you anwy because all ths tme he assmed you were jst a nther c.s. m.f.

And you cnt spk Espanol anwy

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