Saturday, April 26, 2008

My portion of the partner stickomythia...

Damn you Bastards!
You ignorant usurpers of the wild—
Destructive deforestators!
Rapers of Mother Earth’s loving, prosperous cunt!
Fuck you!
You Oxygen thieves of the carbon monoxide breed!

O beautiful trees are these, rustling in the softest breeze.
Glad am I for Mother Earth,
This shelter through which we build the world.

An alcove of trees, such divine beauty
The way they breathe, exhaling life and support for us all.
Backbones of sustenance,
not to be taken for granted.

The roots run deeper than the eye can see
Their gorgeous feet hugging the soil,
—Semetricality to the boughs and leaves
Outstretched, offering an eternal embrace
to those who would celebrate their ent-like splendor.

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