Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ideas Rambling Regarding Judy Grahn

How does her being a lesbian narrow down her audience? Does it?

Can I not enjoy her poetry or apply it to my own life because I'm straight?

Do homosexual writers and journalists review her work different than those who are not?

What do they focus on that straight folks don't?

Do they focus more on things of a private matter than those who are straight? For example, straight people may skip the fact that she is a lesbian at all and simply focus on what she is writing and what she may be speaking of. Those who are homosexual tend to focus on the fact that she is a lesbian so that they can use her as an idol almost.

Does this make the reviews less personal?

Does anyone consider the line, "I wanted to write something about women so that I could read about women." or "This is for all common women."

Not all common women are lesbian.

Yes, she was a huge lesbian activist, but I doubt, highly that she just wanted lesbian readers.

Does that make me sound anti-homo sexual?

How can you recognize someone's lifestyle over their work?
I understand the connection but how can you let that fall lower on the importance list??

For example, how can Jamie Lynn Spears play a disney character for small children when she is pregnant, unmarried and like 15? So from now on can she only play characters who are in thier teens and pregnant? Can Ellen Degenerous only play lesbian characters? Was Heath Ledger really gay?

Taboo= less acceptance, harder work.

How the hell do I write this paper without offending anyone? When I'm trying to say there should be a seperation.....? help.

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