Saturday, April 26, 2008

Let/For Resubmission...

Gabe ~ please reevaluate this Let/For Poem...Thanks!

Let us rejoice in the religion that has torn this world asunder
For the truth that it preaches contradicts thoughts of seekers.

Let nymphos rejoice in the insatiable lust of their libidos
For in ignorance they dwell as hippopotamuses betwixt silken sheets

Let us rejoice in the process of hope
For it is all that can sate a lonely soul

Let the Pagans rejoice in the splendor of the Old Ways
For Mother Nature is ever-present, hearkening them to dance

Let us rejoice in the beauty of trees
For our breath is dependent upon boughs and leaves

Let SINNERS everywhere rejoice—fornicators and hypocrites,
For there is no Hell except for that which they create themselves

Let us rejoice in the transfixing lure of the fire
For its burning and festering transcends the embers

Let the Eye of Ra rejoice in its unfaltering gaze
For it is always aware, ever-protectant of its beholder

Let us rejoice in the pointlessness of time
For its existence is tragically flawed, devoid of true meaning

Let wanderers rejoice in the unpredictability of tomorrow
For happiness moves with the winds of their sorrows

Let us rejoice in the power of words
For without them expression would be feigned

Let poets rejoice in the release of all feeling
For through poetry the seer possesses a sight of another world.

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