Saturday, February 23, 2008

What's a let for

Let all those who have and will influence my life be blessed
For you are the sculptors who mold my form
Let voltaire rejoice with the clouds
For he too is obsessed with that which is fluffy
Let venvictor rejoice with the chameleon
For he too changes his appearance
Let susan rejoice with the rain
For it can wash away her burdens
Let cj rejoice with the bull
For he is strong and proud
Let griffin rejoice with the gryphon
For at birth they were so named to be together
Let brittany rejoice with the arts
For she is gifted and they bring her joy
Let brandon rejoice with the panda
For he wishes to be asian
Let the creators of WoW be blessed
For their game has consumed so many hours
Let the creator of the computer be blessed
For without it, what would I do
Let jon rejoice with the dog
For he is loyal and fun
Let all the teachers in life be blessed
For it is you who inspire us to learn

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