Friday, February 29, 2008

Protection Poem

I'm a little embarrassed after seeing how good Amy's poem is.

This protection poem is for Michael Clinton Gauen who was born and raised in Chatham Illinois but is currently living in Normal Illinois.
Let him be protected from all the evil and sadness in the world, the weeping willow will guard and protect him from the rain, and the rain will give power to the spruce, oak, and pine, so that they will grow bigger and stronger.
The mammoths and saber tooth tigers will crawl out of their icy snow covered graves and defend you against the grief stricken men and women so you will have no sorrow in your life.
When you are walking the snapdragons will come alive and breathe fire on the illfamished weeds so that you will not see ugliness growing on the ground, only baby blue eyes, forget me not, black eyed Susan’s, and Queens Anne’s Lace.
Michael Clinton Gauen when you are playing computer games or listening to music or playing guitar your head will be full of images of happiestic visions of Sam or Whitten and this will blind you to the malevolence and hatred in music or on the computer.
The squirrels are your ears and the possum is your eyes so when danger approaches you the squirrels will fly through the trees and the possums will keep watch on the road.
Lake Springfield I ask you to protect Michael Clinton Gauen who drives a Toyota and whose favorite food is sea food protect him from overdenominal pollution in our air
Planes trains and cars
Tornadoes lighting and thunder
Have the deer walk him through the forest so the fog doesn’t consumatiate him
When he eats his favorite food, candy, make sure his stomach doesn’t growl at him in disgust.
The Illinois River can you protect Mike from migraines so his head can feel some constant relief
Lake Shelbyville protect his arms and legs which are double jointed in the effect that they do not go back to normal if put in an awkward position
Kaskaskia River please protect the acceptable daily intake of radiation from the sun, because if though it sooths and warms the body like a laser it has a damaging effect upon is pale skin
Rabbit and Raccoons follow Mike so that he always has a friend with him to turn too and promise that he will never find the source of pain in this irrreboticalness.
Rainbows hidden in the sky protect him from everything wrong in this vilonic world.
For if you are not here than I am not here.

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