Saturday, February 16, 2008

the ramblings of a crazy man are harder to imitate than you would think

And I stood on the hill as the clouds gathered
. darkening the sky
. dulce et decorum est
But what is right and proper about a government
that controls the average rate of inflation
with their fiat money,
. backed by nothing

And we all went west to find it
and Lasky and Piper played their drums
. and the sun went down on us
. il sole è andato giù su noi
. and the whip told Sarah
. “She’s looking the wrong way”
and I carried them all to the prospect
And what do I remember?

This was when that wall came down
. in the courtyard
. in the courtyard with the flowers
. “There will be time”
. will there be Time

monde assez et temps
. but she came to me there
at the side of the hill
But the military enjoys the “backing”
of today’s currency, and chaos will ensue
. from our 35-year
. we must return to real value
before the sun goes down

*Crazy economic ramblings lifted from Ron Paul, the first source I thought of for economic ideas that didn't make sense to me. Broken French, Italian, etc. entirely intentional.

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