Sunday, February 17, 2008

Poor Baby Birds

The crack of the bat.
The crack of the bone
................... As it shatters into the finest of talcum powders
. .................Reflects the moral of the formal ferocious assailant.
. ............................................................................................. 2003.
The cardinal soars, inflated, soars on wings
. ..........................................................lifted by hubris
. ..................buoyed into a game/current/trap. now
. ..................out of control.
........................................... only feathers. remain

Losing sucks losing lots loosing
. ...............loss losing life. Fuck.
PTSD. (Propranolol). Anxiety (benzodiazepines, quetiapine) Depression. (ctalopram, fluoxetine,paroxetine, sertraline)
........................ OD. OMG.
. ..................... Suicide rates are at an all time high.
.......... Baby birds dealt a pack of worms, can of lies.
. ........Bad worms, poison worms. Baby birds/
. ....... fledglings have DDT for breakfast.
. ........................................................ 1972.
......... Pretty fly for a white guy
. ........................................... 1998.

Suffering from empty nest syndrome mother hens lay eggs.
. .......... (As if what was lost can be replaced.)
............ Eggs whisked away,
............ Incubated. Eggs hens cannot provide for.
............ Eggs Uncle Sam will pay them for. Dually.
....................................................................... Ironic.
....................................................................... 18!
Incubated. Fledgling birds again.
Cracked, whisked in bowls.
Scrambled, fried into something.
. ............Fried into food for kitty kitty kitty.
. ............Here kitty kitty kitty.

Kitty kitty kitty stalks through the house, prowling. Silent.
Looking for baby bird eggs.
........... Baby birds flit through the streets, above the house.
........... Looking for kitty kitty kitty.
Circling. Waiting. Watching.


Feathers and fur litter the sand.
......... meooooooooooooooooooow.
.......... peep peep.

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