Friday, February 22, 2008

Lets rejoice for it is my assignment

Let all Monical's Pizzas burn to the ground
For it is the worshiping place of all that is evil.
Let my dog learn to use the bathroom
For my lazy ass hates going outside in the cold.
Let my legs never grow hair
For shaving irritates my skin.
Let me surround myself with people at peace
For the fucking drama makes me want to kill a bitch.
Let all reality shows disappear from this universe
For the Golden Girls is a much suitable replacement.
Let winter be shot down by the rays of the sun
For my pantlegs are tired of being soaked.
Let me find jeans for short skinny girls
For i have no junk in the trunk.
Let me find a world where a size A cup is praised
For at least they wont be saggy when age sets in.
Let money mean as much as shit
For it gets thrown in the toilet just the same.
Let my knee cease to ache
For I love to run for miles.
Let school be done sometime soon
For my finances are depleted
Let my kitties live to be a hundred
For I prefer their company to most people
Let my mother finally be happy
For she deserves it more than any one I know.

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