Saturday, February 23, 2008


Let Britney Spears rejoice with the antelope
She can roam free but the weak get caught

Let Kelly rejoice with the cat,
whome creeps in the night and questions every action

Let Puerto Vallarta rejoice with the sun
For I can't wait to be near both

Let Elvis rejoice with the angels
Because he lives forever, with wings

Let my mother rejoice with the Dolphins
Who are kind and calm and love the warm water

Let Ben rejoice with the rabbits
Who find time day in and day out for the inappropriate

Let Colleen rejoice with the sloth
Who seem to take forever to move an inch let alone clean a kitchen

Let my father rejoice with the gorilla
Who control most of what takes place with the pound of a fist

Let Dana rejoice with a hyena
Who are constantly laughing without fear of judgement

Let Tessa rejoice with the reindeer?
who hang with santa and give gifts every year

Let Dizzy rejoice with the humans
for she likes to sit at dinner tables and eat with her hands

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