Friday, February 29, 2008

Meine Lehrerin, Meine Halbsmutter

Amalthea, Amalthea, geben sie nach uns
die Zunge von unsere
S. Kay Z_______, the keeper of the kumquat babies,
tiny-footed, glass-toofed, daisy-lipped femme not quite fatale
of Normal, of Park Ridge, of Zaire, of Berlin,
of south of the bottom of Lake Bloomington,
of north of the bottom of a bottle of Glenfidditch,
of China and uf Chinatown.
Of course of now of Bloomington blooming with her
blooming booming with her perennial lilactical bliss.
Amalthea, Amalthea, bitte, bitte, Amalthea,
geben sie nach S. Kay Z________
die lieben langen Tag.

Subsection 1: Frummer formar lover

Dearest Amalthea, goat-milk almost mother of in
fant Zeus, cornucopia cornucopia corn and copious amounts
of Scotch, bless my S. Kay Z_______, protect my
Sandi K. Zee, who has travelled an ocean that does
n’t look the same as when she saw it last,
who has owned an ocean that cannot look the s
ame as when she saw it last,
who doesn’t care any more
to picnic on any shore,
let alone Lick Mickchigan,
who has sucked the cock
of a man who blew
his own
brains out seven years
after she walked out
with cat
and no clothes in hand
and no cock in hand
(Amalthea, he was a trucker. A trucker, a stupid bison
a no mother-trucker
so don’t bless him
but rather the mouth that made him
to the conclusion
that he could still
make art of himself
even if it was
temporal lobed
crimsundy wall art.)
Protect her from this , Almalthea, goddessss
of Capricornicarian constellationism,
and protect her from his ghost(s).

Subsec-ti-one 2: Drownding

You can bless Abner cat, too, for keeping her company,
but I’d feel butter if you made Abner into a saber-toothed Abner cat,
since her last cat done drowned in the Missisippi Rivaaah
and I hear them sabers cun swim
and she does like to float
and to fush
I cain’t be there to buoy her
Aber saber cat can.

Subsection 3: Hair disdaince

Let no one say about her that her hair
her Irish elk red hair that it
make sher less of a woman
make sure
for I say and you say
and I scream and you scream
that hair that defies cranial gravity
must constitute an extreme
sensitivity to the
andronican refusal of reality
witch must be bleshed.

Subsection 4: Tall residential staircase

Also, protect her from her staircase, Am
althea, it is tall and carpeted and
would rather be grass or clover and is therefore
out for blueuhd.

Subsection 5: Everyday innerworld idiocies

Protect her from brand names
“French Flair”
on sadalad dressing bottles, for Amalthea
knows no mammoth things does it
No mammoth thing do ut
no mammoth could do u(b)t
but the teeny baby’s breath
the teeny squirrel dung things
may cyphen your sentity.

Subsection 6: Icy walkways

I’malltea-ah, sanctuarize my teachar,
mai picker of words but not of nose,
my stand-stiller and my mential mutti.
Do I can’t,
Do uddi caint,
Defend her against
the gray blue white snow
that won’t stop falling
that cain’t stop falling
that gerts “stop calling”
that won’t stop falling
on her driveway
Amalthea, her bones is salted
but her sidewalk idn’t
and though the four firs look pitty
in dat snow
and on
her Vermillion River powch house
back when
when we came to see her
to warm our esophagi
with her gingerspice hummingbird bush water
we saw that
four pitty firs
ain’t enough to save
a slipping step
in slippity snow
Amalthea, know this.
At least she doesn’t have to care for
her pear and cherrree trees anymore.
She says they died out last winter,
Amalthea, along with the baby oak and da whippoorwills, and havint come back like her firs and her firs
t willow did
back in 82.
Dead trees means she walks outside less, Amalthea, so thanks fir that.

Subsection 7: Tragic heroity

Protect mah dear Medea, Amalthea,
against the likelunnis
that she will become
a stageid likelunnis
of a theatrical, cyclindrical mum woman
whom she has creyated
for a two hour run
sie ist so viel besser aus das.
Sie brauchen Komedie.
Sie verdient so viel mehr als das
Vor sie kein Ophelia ist.

Sometimes I break my own fucking heart.

Subsection 8: Violent weather conditions

Next Tuesday, Amalthea, make sure she doesn’t end up in a hurricane again, please.
You’ll remember last year,
what with oll
the fuss in the Bahahahahahamas.
We called her “Hurricane Sandi”
in class
for a whole month.

Subsection 9: Old Age (post-menopause)

Protect this broad, Amalthea, protect her from
Her own old body
Her own old bawdy body
Her folding dermis and her glazing lower lids
Can’t handle global warming
And it cain’t handle winter, either.
Keep her bones from a-shnappin,
keep her laigs from a-shakin
and give her an orgasm
every once in a while
so she knows she ain’t dried up everywhere
like the froot on the pear tree
in her back yard.

Subsection 10: Lorraine Marie Adams

Amalthea, we adam
antly ask you to protect Sandra Kay
from the skunk of a broad
that is the barotropic Lorraine Marie Adam
s. Amalthea, A malted tea yah,
The Adams family had no idea
what they were unleashing (a-woof) on the world.
Make sure Sandi doesn’t take anything she may
say may say may say about her plays too hard
unless, Amalthea, you wish to give Sandra Kay
a blunt object and a mighty bicep and biceptual concept,
in which case she can take it any way she likes.

Subsicktion 10: Old folks homes

Mountain goating milk momma, protect our Sandi,
our S. Kay Z_______, from the hibations
of the cumulonimbic of soul, the masses of glacial paced
giver uppers and letter goers, the forgetters of labia,
the needlepointers of woodchucks and chuckwallas,
these anti-umbilicals, these cancer comebyers, shingle faces,
eaters of turkey, sunflower seeds, snolianders, and hippopotami,
talkers of postcards and the Third Reich,
and that Hepburn girl when she sang Moon River.
mullers over of gravel and of the Potomac.
Sie ist nicht so alt wie dieses,
und kann nicht sein, Amalthea, cahn nickt zine.

Sunbsextion 11: Loneliness

Du weisst und ich weisse, Amalthea, dass
eine Katchen nicht eine gute Freund macht.
Ich hoffe, dass sie mich immer hat.
Knochen brechen so liecht und immer so ruhig.
Especially the sternum.

Subsection 12: Car accidents

Good, gracious Amalthea,
we know how fast our Sandra Kay drives,
so thralm out your beauteous palm
o’er the top of Sandi’s Mini Coup.
Even the highway that holds us all
needs a little help holding Sandi down,

Subsecshun 12.5, 13, 14: Bodily misfengality

Protect our beautiful Sandi, Almalalthea,
from papercuts, from hangnails, from chaffing.
Shorely, Amalthea, a full life and a bishopric lamentation
over laminated life perfection calls for
excusal from pitifully small amounts of carnage.

Amalthea, sweet Amalthea, milker of the maaaah,
kisser of the teat, saver of the king, thorger of the heat,
Bless and keep my Sandi, please,
and in that shielding, rest adgrediously, Amalthea,
and know you have halberstadtedly saved and blessed

Little Debbie cakes of protection

Oh light from the cyrosphere of the combustionable mastadone,
I pray ye to smother my mother, Debra Anne, formally and born Nichols,
Currently, and yearning to separate from Solomon with protection.

Protect mama smoking out her Plymouth Voyager from the showers of
Carcinogens penetrating her lungs with the magic bullet.
Lay down the bottle where she lay down in embarrass river

River of Scirrosis tanning those crossword puzzles of philanges
Stroking her back to her house in Evanston where she showers with
Acute amnesia of the jack in the pulpit she called home.

Oh Hallmark card form the anticyclone of bird feeding,
I pray ye to use your kindical words to protect my mother,
Debra Anne of green Adonis aestivalis, currently of the west side.

Protect bartender muskrat love from the weeping of the willow
That lamin-ate her poor puppy Aphrodite with Archaeopallium decay.
For she will kick her feet in the trilliums of her solitaire hand-held game.

Shasta Daisy protect the cook
Shasta Daisy protect my mama
Shasta Daisy protect Brady’s grandma
Shasta Daisy protect John’s wife
Shasta Daisy protect lori’s friend
Shasta Daisy protect kitties quartos provider

Oh mighty sap from the cranium of the pine
I beg ye to form a layer of antibodies showering
With protection for my mom, Debra Anne Nichols Solomon of B-town.

Protect her from the raccoon eyes of her abusive past
Where her father, mighty as an oak expressed his ruined liver
All over the shadow of her sweet young dodo eyes.

Oh river as long as the m-i-s-s-issippi
Wrap my mother, Debra Anne Nichols Solomon
In your cornucopia of seismic protection.

Protect the saber-toothed mama tiger from the
Greedy tentacles of the moth ridden wedding dress
She wore in hopes of a fairy tale undone

Undone her hair thick as a Chicago style pizza
For the world to lick the grease off her brow
Protect her from the wickedness of the crowd

Shasta Daisy protect her from the sun
Shasta Daisy protect her from the rain
Shasta Daisy protect her from lightning
Shasta Daisy protect her from the night
Shasta Daisy protect her from the wind
Shasta Daisy protect her from the misty mist and the musky musk.

Oh grand poom-by-ya of popish proportion
Manufest your prairie dog practics into
A shield, deflectioning my mom from evil

Protect Debra, orator of words best left unsaid
In the wallop of a mystical garb away from
The prickly thorns of her magical despair

Oh shyster of the dangling stars from the
Opaque univer-sal-ute my mama, formally the tiny
Woman engulfed in the big chair, with protection.

Protect Mrs. Solomon, currently working
Two full time jobs, weighing in at a skeletal 90lbs
From the mundane actions of the normal.

Normalites entangled in the film of her molars
Like the germs on her three-year-old grnd son,
Bacterialize her from her chronic bronchitis

Spirited Orchids protect the mother
Spirited Orchids protect her from patriarchy
Spirited Orchids protect the fool
Spirited Orchids protect her from the blades of swords
Spirited Orchids protect the insecure
Spirited Orchids protect her from selfish blood

Oh ye love of no matter what proportions
Hover over thy Debra Anne Nichols
Until she knows no pain from the fox field of sparks

I VeroniCa Solomon, small feet of missed steps
Skip over the cracks as to not break my mother’s back
For I protect her with the wonder lust of a gypsy soul.

Protection Poem

I'm a little embarrassed after seeing how good Amy's poem is.

This protection poem is for Michael Clinton Gauen who was born and raised in Chatham Illinois but is currently living in Normal Illinois.
Let him be protected from all the evil and sadness in the world, the weeping willow will guard and protect him from the rain, and the rain will give power to the spruce, oak, and pine, so that they will grow bigger and stronger.
The mammoths and saber tooth tigers will crawl out of their icy snow covered graves and defend you against the grief stricken men and women so you will have no sorrow in your life.
When you are walking the snapdragons will come alive and breathe fire on the illfamished weeds so that you will not see ugliness growing on the ground, only baby blue eyes, forget me not, black eyed Susan’s, and Queens Anne’s Lace.
Michael Clinton Gauen when you are playing computer games or listening to music or playing guitar your head will be full of images of happiestic visions of Sam or Whitten and this will blind you to the malevolence and hatred in music or on the computer.
The squirrels are your ears and the possum is your eyes so when danger approaches you the squirrels will fly through the trees and the possums will keep watch on the road.
Lake Springfield I ask you to protect Michael Clinton Gauen who drives a Toyota and whose favorite food is sea food protect him from overdenominal pollution in our air
Planes trains and cars
Tornadoes lighting and thunder
Have the deer walk him through the forest so the fog doesn’t consumatiate him
When he eats his favorite food, candy, make sure his stomach doesn’t growl at him in disgust.
The Illinois River can you protect Mike from migraines so his head can feel some constant relief
Lake Shelbyville protect his arms and legs which are double jointed in the effect that they do not go back to normal if put in an awkward position
Kaskaskia River please protect the acceptable daily intake of radiation from the sun, because if though it sooths and warms the body like a laser it has a damaging effect upon is pale skin
Rabbit and Raccoons follow Mike so that he always has a friend with him to turn too and promise that he will never find the source of pain in this irrreboticalness.
Rainbows hidden in the sky protect him from everything wrong in this vilonic world.
For if you are not here than I am not here.

A petition for all

Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam.

Hear, Israel, the Lord is our god, the Lord is one Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed. V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha/Blessed may we be in your name forever and ever.

Join us, oh Lord, in your name and in the mercy of the people, FOR THE UNISON AND THE LOVE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE HOLY SECRET

Let all the magical squirrelskunkcolonsorcerers dance gaily among the wildflowers of the African Violet eve
Let not the devils crap on our plans for getting together and getting our LOVEORGY MOJO on
Let them hold their incontinent rectums until they find the nearest port-a-sport of a hate-urr to crap on so s/he can learn to join the dance

Join all nations in the dance of praise in the dance of peace and learn from one another

Let the ethnicities rejoice in their differences and share the beauty of their cultures with one another
The Jews with their yummarific Matzoball soup and gefilte fish
The Brahmans with hot, steaming naan and delicious paneers
Let these people see the unison and the beauty of diversity in the beauty of/
l'ahavah et Adonai Eloheikhem ul'av'do b'khol l'vav'khem uv'khol naf'sh'khem AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.

Join the hearts of my siblings with mine, mon Dieu, for I have always been at a loss for them yet have always loved them so

Let Catherine Christine Pelletier find heart and soul and care for the ones she has injured
Especially yours truly, whom she treated like a ragdoll for every waking day my life
Though CatherineChristineFurtrader may heal the wounded of heart with her nurse’s hands, she creates wounds in this heart of mine
Though CatherineChristine Pelletier may soothe herself with horses aside the Kishuakee River and bike near the river of the Fox on a sunny day, she will never soothe me or the ones on whose heart she treads
Though she may heart pIzzazjimmyndante she maynever herald me I LOVE HER ANYWAY
Protect her from her own manipulative nature, dei sanctus Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed. V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha Je vous salue marie, pleine de grace le seigneur est avec vous. Vous etes benie entre toutes les femmes et jesus, le fruit de vos entreilles, et beni. Sancte Marie, mere de Dieu, priez pour nous maintenant et a l’heure de notre mort

Let EllenMariePelletier continue to build a heart with me as we continually obsess about our cat, pootieotherwiseknownasThunderhisrealname ourcowardlypuppybaxter and afatasscat we once owned named Sparky Poor, Poor Sparky! He didn’t live past sevenandImisshow he used to clean himself obsessively and shuffle his feet before he ever took a drink of water
Let EllenMariePelletier excel at her wii games and beerpongeeng and become a genius psychologist one day who can discern the foxgloves from the pussywillows
May EllenMarieFurtrader walk the shores of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior in solaceknowing that we are all near and loving
May she continue to show heart to those she cares for, hold my lionheartdandelionchipmunk close
Protect her from harm and deception and pain Terve, Maria, armoitettu,Herra sinun kanssasi; Siunattu sinä naisten joukossa ja siunattu kohtusi hedelmä Jeesus. Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti, rukoille meidän syntisten puolestanyt ja kuolemamme hetkellä.

Join the Pelletier-Graves-Urbanowicz-Egan-Reijman-Hoffman-Mesinovinsky line of Illinois-Chicago-Batavia-New York-Arlington Heights- Deer Park- Oak Park- Russia together in songs of wooly mammoth praise
and glory thoughwemaybe JewishCatholicLutheran with differences great Let us all give pods of honeysuckle to one another that are blessed treats among the MonarchButterflies of my plains

Let us replace the hurricaines of our differences with the Laurels of celebration
Let Maya of Russia love Linda of Deer Park Illinois for her non-jewishrussianess just as she loves JadenKaylaAlexander of Deer Park Illinois Russia
For JaydenKaylaAlexander are the continu ity of MayaLindas blood and MayaLindas destiny
Protect them all from cultural ignorance GLORIA PATRI, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Let DonaldMichaelPelletier myfather throwback the sabre toothed monsoons of his worries about moneysupportetcetera
Let Him celebrate his life alongside the choo choo trains and take his mind away from the hell that is his government job when he sits in the basement and looks at old photogs Uncle Julian took when he was still alive
Teach me2forgive DonaldMichaelPelletier of Oak Park Batavia for the sandstorms he brought upon me in my early yearsfortheearthquakes and shifting of the plates he caused in my life for the gorges he created in my soul with his Toyoya Camry and sometimes Sienna
Let DonaldMichaelPelletier feel no pain and no remorse for what was done and rejoice in the joy of our uniSON
For if we try to fill the cracks with sand the deserts of the earth may become cracks themselves
Protect him from his own selfdestructiveness Domine Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferiori, perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent.

Join the living in the celebration of the lives of the Urbanowicz- Reijman- Krilieukevicz-Johnson dead

LetBabaraCecileReijmanPelletierThomasReijman find solace in their loss and in their mourning
Let BarbaraCecileReijmanPelletier bury the dead with her kind words and her healing ways that only a mother could; let her sow the daisies the violets the afracastictastic poppies pearmapleoaklilactrees that make the mind go SHAFAACKINANANAZAYUM HEY JUDE
Let BarbaraCecileReijmanPelletier be protected from the storm anvils of grief and pain over the loss of Babcza Helena
Let Thomas Reijman revel in the ethereal soul of beauty that was Helena, though she drove him fucking nuts
Let Thomas Reijman drive his flippinsweetantique Porsche around the deserts of Arizona, Camelback Mountain at his side driving into the sandstorms of time through the squamos cell carcinoma capitol of Scottsdale Arizona with the jackrabbit shrews of the arid deserts
Let Helena Leovodia Urbanowicz Reijman of BrooklynPhoenic find unison with my Grandfather George Reijman of QueensHague, with Babcza Rozalia Kriliekevicz of Tuczyn, Poland, with Gampy Chester of Tuczyn and Corneiluis our Hagueishheart who read Inferno to learn the American Soul
AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.

Join them, oh father, with your angels and saints and the lost of the world
Bless them whole and warm and safe in the feast of life everlasting

Join them, Allahadonai in a dance together singing praise
to the violets in my backyard
that sing with glory about my appendix that does nothing
but hang out with my colon year after year, no spring cleaning
to my pancreas as it continually produces insulin at a healthy rate while my gall bladder just sez wassap and creates a brown river for my ubiquitous liver
May my spleen continually produce insulin as it would for Helena Leovodia Urbanowicz Reijman if she were still at my side

Join Helena and George, oh king of kings as if they were twenty one and just recently married
Let not the Rheumatic Fever of George burn through their love
Let not the Sickle Cell Anemia tire their love
Let not the Cancer of hate grow between them
Let them be bonded in spirit for ever and ever
Let Helena's heart beat strongly for him before death knocked on her door with congestive heart failure
Let Helena make the same meatball recipe twice so that George and Cornelius of Hague and Rozie and Chester of Tuczyn and Thomas and Barbara of QueensPhoenix can enjoy it thoroughly and remember:
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.
Protect them from spiritual harm and poor judgement

UNITE US ALL IN FREEDOM Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha-olam hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz.

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine:
Domine, exaudi vocem meam:
Fiant aures tuae intendentes,
in vocem deprecationis meae.
Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine:
Domine, quis sustinebit?
Quia apud te propitiatio est:
et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.
Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius:
speravit anima mea in Domino.
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem:
speret Israel in Domino.
Quia apud Dominum misericordia:
et copiosa apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israel,
ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.
Gloria Patri, et Filio,
et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.



Saturday, February 23, 2008

Something in everything

Let Mark Z. rejoice with the Ouroboros, in which beginnings and ends allways seem to meet.
For it is important to always and in all ways remember that we couldn't be where we are without where we've been.

Let Chuck with the Peacock rejoice, who's self-confidence is often unsettling; there is no it's denying beauty.
For every moment that arrogance is confused with confidence, I must remember that those character traits are requirement for success.

Let Romero rejoice with the Undead, who remind us of the face of death there is a tragic beauty.
For the cliché that death is just another part of life; it isn’t until that presents itself does it begin to make sense.

Let Lynch rejoice with the Schizophrenic, who indulges in all aspects of one’s personality.
For I feel less alone when I witness others relieve themselves of the burden of appearing “normal”.

Let Fincher rejoice with Mountain Goat, who gives meaning to his violence.
For it is important that there to be reason for the madness that we are audience to.

Let Brian K. rejoice with the Hermaphrodite, in understanding one can’t exist without the other.
For as troubled as the relationships between the two sexes can be, it is impossible to believe that we can’t get by without our better halves.

Let Alan with Cthulhu rejoice, who’s hideous nature has united many.
For with events it recent weeks, though it is a shame, only in our darkest hours can we come together.

Let Steven rejoice with ET, for amazing things come in the smallest and strangest of packages.
For we all could learn to give opportunity to the things that we have little understanding of.

Let Wes rejoice with the Dalmation, for beneath its beauty exists a terrible pain.
For I have seen far too beautiful of people terrorized by something that lurks behind their eyes.

Let Cedric with the Televator rejoice—climbing to heights which they are oblivious to.
For when you don’t look down to get perspective as to how far you’ve risen, which makes it appear as though you’re right where you were when you started.

Let Clint with the Wild Horse rejoice, for we are only loyal to ourselves.
For while I have faith that we can trust one another, we can’t assure ourselves that others will keep their end of the deal.

Let Kevin rejoice with the Platypus, for it is proof of God’s humor in all things.
For even in the least humorous of events a laugh can be found.

Combative rejoicing.

let the left hand be blessed and rejoice with its job,
for it takes charge when the right hand is tired.
Let Digoza rejoice with the shield,
for it alone stands on the other side of the body, fighting against tiself.
Let Fox rejoice with the fox, searching for the massive damage in little time,
for the day the army ends, the warrior stands tall.
Let Faline rejoice with the Arrow, aimed forward and towards the sun,
for night comes swiftly and the quincy is alone.
Let Catlin rejoice with the ferret, drunk inside a shoe,
for booze and sex do not make up a life, but combat does.
Let Animal rejoice with the Dream, using its crutch to sleep,
for when the world darkens, it is time for the champagne.
Let Twitch rejoice with the Goblin, padded elbows and knees,
for running around with aimless direction makes life more interesting.
Let Rhys rejoice with the Laptop, a creature of infinte power but limited battery,
for when the die is rolled for the spell, such is the dead.
Let the Sword rejoice with the javelin, blue meet yellow,
for the work of a distant being makes it all that much sweet for the kill
Let wolf rejoice with the pack, howling towards the dead moons,
for the one is lesser than the many, but many will save the one.
Let the d12 rejoice wiht the Barbarian, the beefy and the murder,
for it alone cares for the insightful die.
Let Puck rejoice with the end, an ouroboros to the beginning of efforts,
for tricks and play time is over and work must begin.

let us rejoice with some birds

Let Clover rejoice with the robin, whose appearance heralds the awakening of the world.
For Spring is undeniably forthcoming, and with it, release from our winter sorrows.

Let Terra rejoice with the phoenix, who is reborn in fire.
For though I have been greatly wronged, I have risen from these ashes.

Let Amanda rejoice with the crow, a crafty bird who sees the truth.
For I know that without such insight, neither of us could have survived this winter.

Let Melody rejoice with the swan, who is quiet, but dreams mightily.
For I have sat in silence with the deepest of feelings.

Let Laine rejoice with the starling, who flies far and speaks to all,
For I have searched alone, and discovered that connections are important.

Let Fran rejoice with the bluejay, who is fast and dedicated.
For I have seen that power is second to tenacity.

Let Claire rejoice with the owl, who flies by night with great silent wisdom.
For I have heard unspoken things far wiser than any counsel.

Let Henry rejoice with the woodpecker, who keeps time and foretells things.
For I have striven to do right, and to listen to the words of woodpeckers.

Let Felix rejoice with the pelican, who is comical in appearance but rises above his trials.
For those who face trials with a sense of humor are blessed.

Let Summer rejoice with the raven, whose coming foretells victory.
For when a black thing is spotted in a black hour, ill omens are not always at hand.

Let Ashley rejoice with the eagle, who flies highest of all,
For I, who have fallen far, will thereafter soar.

Let Sarah Jane rejoice with the hummingbird, who is small, but carries optimism in his wings.
For I have traveled far to find many things, but most of all hope.

rejoice in my saviors

Let me rejoice in my saviors not found among clouds.
For saviors are what we make of them.

Let underage readers rejoice in the secrecy of a library corner, I could hide for decades.
For they tried to hide Go Ask Alice.

Let Shi Tzu’s bounce around heaven so I’m amused when I get there.
For life has been lonely without my companion.

Let us rejoice in bagels and deliciously smooth creamy spread.
For it is my crack.

Let us rejoice in toilets, water and flickering lights.
For I would wave goodbye to my family if the 2-ply did not flush.

Let us rejoice in soap, candles, and Carmex.
For I may sleep still and quietly without you.

Let us rejoice in the competition of Chicago sports teams.
For the Cross-Town classic keeps my heart keep beating.

Let me rejoice in devotion to the Gyros place.
For a hot dog never tasted so good and the ketchup never runs out.

Let us rejoice in assessments of creative knowledge.
For without them I would have empty notebooks.

Let us rejoice, those with brothers, old, young and equal age alike.
For when you’ve lost yourself, they will find you, usually over breakfast.

Let us rejoice in tye-die, musicals and fluffy collective smoke.
For a best friend may have slipped away without one of three.

Let us rejoice over snowflakes, dusted trees and crisp air.
For without the hell of winter I could not appreciate the spring.

Let teammates and I rejoice in the smell of dirt, rubber and sweat.
For being raised on a diamond has made me who I am.


Let Britney Spears rejoice with the antelope
She can roam free but the weak get caught

Let Kelly rejoice with the cat,
whome creeps in the night and questions every action

Let Puerto Vallarta rejoice with the sun
For I can't wait to be near both

Let Elvis rejoice with the angels
Because he lives forever, with wings

Let my mother rejoice with the Dolphins
Who are kind and calm and love the warm water

Let Ben rejoice with the rabbits
Who find time day in and day out for the inappropriate

Let Colleen rejoice with the sloth
Who seem to take forever to move an inch let alone clean a kitchen

Let my father rejoice with the gorilla
Who control most of what takes place with the pound of a fist

Let Dana rejoice with a hyena
Who are constantly laughing without fear of judgement

Let Tessa rejoice with the reindeer?
who hang with santa and give gifts every year

Let Dizzy rejoice with the humans
for she likes to sit at dinner tables and eat with her hands


Let our minds praise Albert H-----n
For his altering juice of the mold.

Let mankind rejoice with the sloth
For they have it right.

Amnon rejoiced in his sister Tamar
And was killed at the family reunion.

Let the Queen rejoice in her baubles
For we all know God is British.

Let Jubilate Agno rejoice in the word 'rejoice'
Otherwise we'd be searching for other verbs.

Let Henry VIII rejoice in loopholes
For now you can butcher your wife with God's blessing.

Let the cobbler dance to his hornpipe
And forget his broken spirit.


Let all consumers of alchohol praise yeast
For we exploit them to no end.

Let us regard the American Samoans
For they are the only U.S. nationals (not citizens) and are unable to vote on the Federal level.

The word and the paste are immensely pleasurable.

Let us eat, drink, and be merry
For tomorrow we die.

Poem of Rejoice

Let us rejoice in the glorious liquid that is tequila
For the floor has never been as comfortable

Let us give thanks for the slow walkers on campus
For they give us something to curse at daily

Let us rejoice in the falling of bikers on the quad
They make walking to class nearly as challenging as crossing Main Street at 3

Let us celebrate coffee and coffee houses such as the Garlic Press
They aid us in mornings that come too soon after nights

Thank all for Guitar Hero
The one saving grace to a boring night

Let us rejoice for friends
For they are the ones who remind us of nights we can’t remember

Let us rejoice for beer
For it tastes like piss yet its so cheap we’ll drink it

Let us rejoice for beds that are our own
For it is never a surprise to wake up in them

Let us give thanks for Prime-Time
Cheep pizza any time of the night

Have faith in your own toilet
For others might get backed up

Let us give thanks for Long Island Iced Teas
For it is the nectar of gods

Let us give thanks for college
The last time we have for no-consequence actions

Let Testicles and Helen Mirren

For I keep you in place and hold you when you are lonely
Let testicles rejoice in boxer briefs, less they are too snug and kill the salmon before it can swim upstream

For I slide down your throat with cinnamon kisses
Let Hot Tamales rejoice in their divinity, less they are swallowed without ample chewing time, and cause their consumer to choke in pain

For I inform upon all matters of life and knowledge
Let Urban Dictionary rejoice in its infinite recess of wisdom, less it teaches us the wrong way to have her a Superman

For I provide you with reminders of love and joy
Let cheap plastic Wal-Mart lions rejoice in their frozen valor, less it comes to life in the middle of the night and eats me

For I made you undeniably sad in pretty ways
Let Kafka’s Metamorphisis rejoice with its somber pill bug, less it be considered a beetle or a roach

For I tell you comfortable lies
Let Clearasil Ultra rejoice in its exfoliating beads, less it doesn’t work

For I provide homo-erotic entertainment
Let wrestling friends rejoice in their build-up of testosterone, less something contained slips

For I smell delicious
Let silly puddy live happily in its little egg, less it falls to the dirty carpet and spends the next month regurgitating hair

For I have provided immeasurable fodder
Let Dan Brown rejoice in his unrealized humor, less all of his “scientific facts” turn out to be true

For I am constantly full of surprises
Let Lucky Charms rejoice in their colorful marshmallows, less they turn out to be good for you

For I am kind of sexy even though I’m old
Let Helen Mirren rejoice in her smooth body, less we find out most of it is under eighteen

For I can allow you to be whoever you wish
Let fake mustaches rejoice in their diversity, less they fall off in the middle of your Nazi propaganda speech

What's a let for

Let all those who have and will influence my life be blessed
For you are the sculptors who mold my form
Let voltaire rejoice with the clouds
For he too is obsessed with that which is fluffy
Let venvictor rejoice with the chameleon
For he too changes his appearance
Let susan rejoice with the rain
For it can wash away her burdens
Let cj rejoice with the bull
For he is strong and proud
Let griffin rejoice with the gryphon
For at birth they were so named to be together
Let brittany rejoice with the arts
For she is gifted and they bring her joy
Let brandon rejoice with the panda
For he wishes to be asian
Let the creators of WoW be blessed
For their game has consumed so many hours
Let the creator of the computer be blessed
For without it, what would I do
Let jon rejoice with the dog
For he is loyal and fun
Let all the teachers in life be blessed
For it is you who inspire us to learn

g t l f

Let those who recycle be praised with melody from mother nature
For it is their simple acts that help save the earth

Let us rejoice in the open land we have
For it will soon be consumed by sprawling suburbs

Let the trees of the Amazon be praised with songs from birds
For their beauty and fresh air is disappearing, the ozone getting thinner

Let us praise those who seek peace
For our world is constantly at war

Let us lift up the green party and the independents
For we are not a democracy without them

Let us praise separation of church and state
For that is why we started this country in the first place

Let us pray forgiveness from the Native Americans and give them back everything we took
For this is their land

Let those in school rejoice in homework
For they are truly blest for the opportunity of an education

Let us rejoice in non-kill animal shelters
For giving animals a second chance to find a loving home

Let us give our praised to those who adopt, children or animals alike
For they truly know where the heart is

Let us rejoice in those who are not afraid to really live what they believe
For although it is hard to stand out, hypocrisy is wrong

Let those who do not judge others with stereotyping labels be praised
For they live their lives with open hearts and open minds

couplets cool

Let the horns of Heaven sound and the angels sing!
For I'm cool, and when I die, I'd like to hear a glorious welcome.
Let all the birds whistle and all the bees buzz!
For I'm cool, and sorry babe, it's just sex.
Let the wolves howl and the lions roar!
For I'm cool, and I like my fur coats fresh.
Let the lightning light and the thunder thunder!
For I'm cool, and I need me some chaos in gray.
Let the rivers flow and the seas rumble!
For I'm cool, and I must not thirst and my shit must flush.
Let the sun shine and the sky blue!
For I'm cool, and I want to fly my fucking kite.
Let the world know and the universe declare!
For I'm cool, and there's none other.
Let the earth shake and the stars align!
For I'm cool, and I'd like to see Mars tonight.
Let the hearts collide and the people cry!
For I'm cool, and I can't stand your bitching.
Let the smiles smile true and the laughs laugh lovely!
For I'm cool, and I just want your comedy.
Let the air breathe and the water swim!
For I'm cool, and I will live and live well.
Let the wind breeze and time freeze!
For I'm cool, and cool I am.

Let/For Poem

Let Daniel rejoice with the Penguin,
For he, too, is loyal for life.
Let Katy rejoice with the Peacock,
For her feathers are always perfect, though in a tizzy.
Let Tyler rejoice with the Owl,
For his wisdom and advice are beyond his years.
Let Chris rejoice with the Dog,
For he has bravely chosen to protect us from the enemy.
Let Melissa rejoice with the Camel,
For she is steadfast and sturdy.
Let Michael rejoice with the Chameleon,
For he changes his colors almost as frequently.
Let Kelly rejoice with the Dragon,
For with her hot air, she could burn forests.
Let Bree rejoice with the Beaver,
For she sees the value in doing things well.
Let Emily rejoice with the Feline,
For she, too, is content to rely on herself.
Let Kori rejoice with the Nightingale,
For she sings generously to those who are downtrodden.
Let Tiffany rejoice with the mother Hen,
For she also knows what it is like to care for many eggs.
Let Rachael rejoice with the Platypus,
For she, too, is a mixture of many things…


Let Tamsen Donner rejoice with the ravenous hamster mother, who stores its babe's flesh in the pock-marked pockets of its fleshy cheeks.
For I say that even the vegan-y-ist of us, when left in the cold mountains for months alone, would partake of our husband's deliciously meaty remains.

Let Ted Danson with the raccoon rejoice, who has refined the harrowing practice of black face.
For I bless said dumbass, and warmly say he is, in fact, not the boss.

Let Harry Potter rejoice with the pterodactyl, whose ginormous wingspan and terrifying caw could wet the pants of even the bravest of men.
For I can't think of anything cooler than Harry Potter sitting down for a beer with a fucking pterodactyl.

Let my high school history teacher rejoice with the elephant, whose mighty size could block out e'en the sun's bold rays.
For I... nevermind. Too easy.

Let Gabriel Gudding rejoice with the bunny, who is fluffy and good and can't tie his own shoes.
For I humbly remind you that the pterodactyl is already taken.

Let the unsinkable Molly Brown rejoice with Al Gore, who saves the polar bears simply by repeatedly widening and contracting his jaw muscles.
For to save an iceberg is to nurture a frigid, natural lifeboat for Kathy Bates.

Let Sandra Zielinski rejoice with her cat, whose tail caught fire last night when it swished too close to a cranberry-pear scented candle.
For I suspected the scent was something living, but still didn't say anything.

Let Jesus rejoice with the ass, whose ass bore his ass through the masses in Jerusalem.
For well I knew that his vintage Volkswagen was out of petrol.

Let Ken Mooney with the bull rejoice, who swaggers proudly among the cows of the field.
For I won't have sex with a bull, either. Even if he does have a nice bell.

Let my stepmother with the hyena rejoice, whose laughter is like a million jingle bells that have fallen prey to a garbage disposal.
For Valium is the pill of the gods (and of hyena women).

Let Henrik Ibsen rejoice with the unicorn, who lives only within the hearts of the half-deaf and half-blind of the world.
For I bless a man who writes himself into his female counterparts' hearts. Also, it's kind of fun to imagine Ibsen with a horn.

Let Britney rejoice with the rooster, whose cries call the world to attention any time, day or night. Or at least used to.
For I wouldn't want to wake up at the sound of either.

Let Deb Alley with the quiet lioness rejoice, whose humble mane says nothing of her deliciously ferocious bite.
For I hope that if she happens to see this post sometime, she'll want to cast me again. Let's be honest here.

Let us, For get

Let the differance of words give meaning for those written and spoken,
For he who nose it first, knows it best.

Let us be like serpents with a revolving shed of skins,
Foreskins may be shed, but the members of society will continue to rise.

Let the humor of man continue to be passed on to his neighbor,
Four men walk into a bar, and they gently rub their heads.

Let the knowledge of civilizations precede those that make it up,
For he, who, new of the society, was not known by it.

Let those with poor morals be ousted and known,
For spice may disguise that which they cover.

Let a man's reflection show him for what he is,
For his mere image is precisely he.

Let the thieves of men suffer ten fold their victims,
For he who steels what is most dear deserves the flame.

Let those who would do harm to the present be stopped,
For the sears of today will turn tomorrow to ash.

Let our homes resist the elements and insects,
For, would houses be harmed, homeless we'd be.

Let those who write do so with fine spirits,
For a better draft gives a better state of mind.

Let the word speak volumes, the blow be mute,
For sounding will damage a man to his fellows.

Let the tit be beloved above even the almighty,
For, from behind, God appears canine.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Praise To What Gets Me By

I rejoice in people and possessions, because I am a perfectly normal being, and sometimes abnormal too.

These things, inanimate and otherwise, I offer you my praise.

Let my head rejoice with foam pillow, and bear the burden of putting heavy thoughts to rest.

For the sweetest indulgence lies in restful rejuvenation.

Let Chris rejoice with strength, that of his heart, body, and mind.

For even when looks fade with old age I will still have a strikingly brilliant companion.

Let Callie rejoice with heat register, and her feline instinct for safety and comfort.

For I too am most comforted by a warm climate and demeanor.

Let Brandon Boyd rejoice with lyrics, the surreal and sentimental vocals fill my soul.

For when I hear the honor of his words I transcend, if only for a moment, to a place lost of hate.

Let Fannie May rejoice with peppermint ice, and its measurably perfect balance of white chocolate and crushed peppermint.

For in those moments when a girl needs a touch of sweetness to escape the surrounding sour.

Let Adrienne rejoice with boxer, who is a blessed beast, wildly energetic and childlike.

For together they are like mother and daughter and with each other there is peace amongst chaos.

Let Dane Cook rejoice with humorous wit, and the spontaneity that never ceases to enliven monotony.

For as creative as I strive to be, the words don’t spill as easily from my mouth as they do from my pen.

Let Pedicurist rejoice with feet, the indulgence that renews my tired souls.

For the outlets to ease one’s weary are plentiful, leaving no excuse for lack of opportunity.

Let Joe Dirt rejoice with mullet, the wig that fused with his skull.

For he is a rocker through and through who didn’t have no in his heart encouraging to keep on keepin’ on.

Let Victoria rejoice with her secret, and the sexy stability she molds for all womankind.

For the curves that will ever be desirous are peaked to perfection in seamless design.

Accept my praise and devotion, I declare for all to hear.

Glorious objects of my affection, blessings to all my simple saviors.

Lets rejoice for it is my assignment

Let all Monical's Pizzas burn to the ground
For it is the worshiping place of all that is evil.
Let my dog learn to use the bathroom
For my lazy ass hates going outside in the cold.
Let my legs never grow hair
For shaving irritates my skin.
Let me surround myself with people at peace
For the fucking drama makes me want to kill a bitch.
Let all reality shows disappear from this universe
For the Golden Girls is a much suitable replacement.
Let winter be shot down by the rays of the sun
For my pantlegs are tired of being soaked.
Let me find jeans for short skinny girls
For i have no junk in the trunk.
Let me find a world where a size A cup is praised
For at least they wont be saggy when age sets in.
Let money mean as much as shit
For it gets thrown in the toilet just the same.
Let my knee cease to ache
For I love to run for miles.
Let school be done sometime soon
For my finances are depleted
Let my kitties live to be a hundred
For I prefer their company to most people
Let my mother finally be happy
For she deserves it more than any one I know.

Let it all rejoice, For _______________....

Let us rejoice in the religion that has torn this world asunder
For the truth that it preaches contradicts thoughts of seekers

Let nymphos rejoice in the insatiable lust of their libidos
For in ignorance they dwell as hippopotamuses betwixt silken sheets

Let us rejoice in the process of hope
For it is all that can sate a lonely soul

Let the Pagans rejoice in the splendor of the Old Ways
For Mother Nature is ever-present, hearkening them to dance

Let us rejoice in the beauty of trees
For our breath is dependent upon boughs and leaves

Let SINNERS everywhere rejoice—fornicators and hypocrites,
For there is no Hell except for that which they create themselves

Let us rejoice in the transfixing lure of the fire
For its burning and festering transcends the embers

Let the Eye of Ra rejoice in its unfaltering gaze
For it is always aware, ever-protectant of its beholder

Let us rejoice in the pointlessness of time
For its existence is tragically flawed, devoid of true meaning

Let wanderers rejoice in the unpredictability of tomorrow
For happiness moves with the winds of their sorrows

Let us rejoice in the power of words
For without them expression would be feigned

Let poets rejoice in the release of all feeling
For through poetry the seer possesses a sight of another world.

Let and For poem about everything

Let FLOWER rejoice, the leader of the meerkats and most brave.
For she will forever watch her clan of over joyful family.
Let the snow fall over a foot above my car.
For God sends this as a sign of thanks for getting up at six every morning.
Let the makers of Kleenex add more lotion to every tissue.
For my noise is too raw for another.
Let the tree fall away from my car.
For I’m sick of wiping bird crap off of it.
Let the idiot who can’t park lose her license.
For I’m tired of leaving notes on her ugly car.
Let a contestant on Deal or No Deal win the million.
For I just want to see someone win.
Let ME rejoice for spring break, because I really need a break.
For I am sleeping in every day.
Let the sharks rejoice for the amount of salt water.
For then they have less reasons to come towards the shores.
Let Americans rejoice for television.
For a saw a show today that said New Zealand only had four TV channels.
Let Me rejoice for winter scarf’s, gloves, and hats.
For if I didn’t have them I would never go to class when it’s cold.
Let the weekend never end, because I deserve it.
For I have too much homework to do.
Let no one read my poem, because I’m sick.
For I don’t even know if I did this right.

Cathode Ray Brilliance

Joanna inspired this one with her prior post...

Let Swearingen slit that cocksucker’s throat and call happy hour pussy on the house.
For the whiskey runs afoul in forlorn dour traces and the sins of man drink deep of the spirit.
Let Willow get all veiny and with blackest arts summon nigh the witches’ creed.
For nascent alchemy and Sapphic lore crown the cathode king at dawn each morn.
Let Agent Cooper remind Dianne of the Sphinx and praise the pastry crisp.
For as the palimpsest obfuscates, the unfurled mind extrapolates that it may yet intuit the adversary.
Let Kal-El weep for Krypton and in passive stature await the rise of THE NEW MAN.
For martyrs are wont for glory when in mercenary behest of their nemesi.
Let G.O.B. divine the cuff-link malfunction and perform the Coptic chicken-dance.
For the priapic father strands the family only to be amorous with an ice-cream sandwich.
Let Starbuck kick the viper over toast to herald loud the limitations of finite men.
For fleets of dust assail the void in anticipation of the prophetic twelfth model.
Let Angelus bleed wanton hearts as the leech remedies aortic distress, devouring vigour.
For darkness subsumes the soul and entreats mercy to witness IMMORTALITY.
Let Mulder relieve the SPIRITUS MUNDI and with onanic glee proclaim the viral hegemony.
For the kiss was late and abrupt when the ferrous maiden had passed her eighth season.
Let Nate Fischer renew his vow and suffer no more the strain of the electric cerebellum.
For at the house of death is love in repose to the familial concubine interred.
Let Titus Pullo at last sodomize the Assyrian maiden in full affront to the Phaedra.
For Ceaser avails all to the brute whim of the courageous heart inflagrate.
Let Kramer, swathed in bohemian glamour, create the boulliabase lavatorium.
For the NINTH was least and the FOURTH best when George was Van De Lay.
Let Rod Serling bless all with the paternal ectoplasm of memory and the golden age.
For none shall move beyond the ZONE wherein lies the glass teat.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

An Ode to Project Runway

This poem is devoted to one of my guiltiest pleasures, Project Runway

Let everybody call me a fag hag
For I love gay men and I swear I was one in my last life
Let them call me a queer dear
for finding beauty and humour in their being
Let Christian Siriano collect his "bitches" and win every show
For I think he is the shit with his uberpunkalicious designs and his aerodynamic hair
Let Rami create something that isn't draped
For his designs are lovely, but I'm fucking bored with another draped dress
Let Chris March create something for a transvestite with huge tits
For it scares the crap out of me, but I love the drama
Let Tim Gunn scream the famed words, "make it work" in his supertight suits
For I think he is adorable with his tall, thin stature and his pushed down glasses
Let Sweet P spread the word of hippie
For Victorya is so damned uptight
Until the moment when we get to Bryant Park
and show how fierce we really are.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Poor Baby Birds

The crack of the bat.
The crack of the bone
................... As it shatters into the finest of talcum powders
. .................Reflects the moral of the formal ferocious assailant.
. ............................................................................................. 2003.
The cardinal soars, inflated, soars on wings
. ..........................................................lifted by hubris
. ..................buoyed into a game/current/trap. now
. ..................out of control.
........................................... only feathers. remain

Losing sucks losing lots loosing
. ...............loss losing life. Fuck.
PTSD. (Propranolol). Anxiety (benzodiazepines, quetiapine) Depression. (ctalopram, fluoxetine,paroxetine, sertraline)
........................ OD. OMG.
. ..................... Suicide rates are at an all time high.
.......... Baby birds dealt a pack of worms, can of lies.
. ........Bad worms, poison worms. Baby birds/
. ....... fledglings have DDT for breakfast.
. ........................................................ 1972.
......... Pretty fly for a white guy
. ........................................... 1998.

Suffering from empty nest syndrome mother hens lay eggs.
. .......... (As if what was lost can be replaced.)
............ Eggs whisked away,
............ Incubated. Eggs hens cannot provide for.
............ Eggs Uncle Sam will pay them for. Dually.
....................................................................... Ironic.
....................................................................... 18!
Incubated. Fledgling birds again.
Cracked, whisked in bowls.
Scrambled, fried into something.
. ............Fried into food for kitty kitty kitty.
. ............Here kitty kitty kitty.

Kitty kitty kitty stalks through the house, prowling. Silent.
Looking for baby bird eggs.
........... Baby birds flit through the streets, above the house.
........... Looking for kitty kitty kitty.
Circling. Waiting. Watching.


Feathers and fur litter the sand.
......... meooooooooooooooooooow.
.......... peep peep.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dohs guys just dohnt get it,
fired off Da Coah-ch

According to Caucasian Broadcasting Staytuned
5 oclock news light men rarely run into the dark
and dark men will do theyr best to take aim @ them
because they want to get their hands on just a little
On another television Madden yells "Touchdown!" green.

Some shuckster selling his Gain Weight Quick! scheme
pitches to me the idea that lettuce has little nutritional
value in today's economy.

on an southern plantation a new yorker
with an alabama edjewcation
laughs at a skinny man who does anything
for that lettuce

In a Care-o-lie-na classroom students chant
"KayKayKay," to prove that they understand
today's preachings of
"Light to Light, Dark to Dark..."

They anxiously await the return of their savior
but will probably lynch him upon his arrival,
because, as we all know, Jesus was black.

We allways hurt the ones we love the most.
Ezra really loved Jews.Niggers.C/Ss.
Or maybe he didn't.
Maybe his listeners did.
Eye open the debate.

Four score minus seven years ago
a poet preached confusion in his
misremembering of Confucian ideals.

My father drank cranberry juice to help
pass the kidney stone caused by old age
(two score and one half score)
sunovabitch this hurts
and Hanks watches his men be sawed
in half protecting their trading partners
sunovabitch that hurts
I wonder what they used to fake the blood?
Cranberry juice!

Life is a series of forks in the road that allow
us a choice and a destiny,
so Ezra helped choose the form.

KayKayKay chant the students after
todays lesson on a Confusion influenced
poet. Ezra Pound pissed on
four score minus seven years later.

monk he pew

Numberless Canto

Th monk he swings n mi chic n cupe

Monk he pew n mi Chimp Eden


m.f. monk he pew / came frum yew.

And th soldiers stept n th pew marching 2 bi 2

2 th beat uv th Prezidents white fist

Red, White, and Blue marching 2 bi 2

from the beginning of time to the present

m.f. monk he PEW.

Gloria worshiped your narrator

on the 29th and also the 1st through the 28th

And on the 30th day God created monk he pew

And I worshipped the Glorious on the 31st.

In my Chip Eden

I invented

the question


Dem mutha fuhkas took it frum me

I marked my questions / they marked their spots.

Spotilism was the leaves of grass

Whitman (that is Mr. Walt).

And we flung pew together / geniuses and monk hes

I am the genius made into the monk he




I will pew n yew will listen.

With no words my pew is your newz

n yew will spred mi monk he pew newz

to the streets of Villa Grimaldi

is a circle at the center.

Pinochet will never die / and he has never killed

or cüped as if chikenz

who will never fly in the clouds.

I invented

the clouds

Dem mutha fuhkas took em frum me

I precipitated the clouds / they predict their moods

My mood becomes Confucius on the 31st

cüped in Chimp Eden.

c.m.f. Ezra Pound

(c for crazy)

the ramblings of a crazy man are harder to imitate than you would think

And I stood on the hill as the clouds gathered
. darkening the sky
. dulce et decorum est
But what is right and proper about a government
that controls the average rate of inflation
with their fiat money,
. backed by nothing

And we all went west to find it
and Lasky and Piper played their drums
. and the sun went down on us
. il sole è andato giù su noi
. and the whip told Sarah
. “She’s looking the wrong way”
and I carried them all to the prospect
And what do I remember?

This was when that wall came down
. in the courtyard
. in the courtyard with the flowers
. “There will be time”
. will there be Time

monde assez et temps
. but she came to me there
at the side of the hill
But the military enjoys the “backing”
of today’s currency, and chaos will ensue
. from our 35-year
. we must return to real value
before the sun goes down

*Crazy economic ramblings lifted from Ron Paul, the first source I thought of for economic ideas that didn't make sense to me. Broken French, Italian, etc. entirely intentional.

the sound of shadows

I rest my bleached skull on dusty rocks
as my brain leaks like grape jelly
and the s.f. Foreigner screams to the Swiss Alps.
“Recevez-moi d'ici vous les batards!

appendages reached out- grabbing for moon rocks
in the clear light and was greeted by beetles (prep before burial…)
Too bad he only hoped for peanut butter and more peanut butter.

Turning to me "Why do YOU talk over there! nothing else to DO?"
"I'm speaking with your maker, STOP listening" nosy leech.

why do we speak? I asked shadows expecting at least a whisper.
stupid s.o.b.
No one to answer butts of guns and
bullets made by tiny hands.

A baby bête
leaps from behind scissored grass
Snarling at tadpoles before the hawk found its own meal.
“Maybe in your next life” I heard it say.

“Le français est une langue délicate, eh ?
That man is dead, he does not care.
Should I ask his corpse?
It has more scent than the shadow. But life? (I’ll get back to you.)

Fear nothing
(but) sound waves and
freezing rain and
chatty Americans.

Serve me my shit on a silver plat’r
And piss from your lookout s.o.b
Do you have friends besides Odie?
I suppose not.

Run back to your buried hostel
and dig, DIG!
I will fish for you off Japanese shores
(if I can afford the vessel…)
and anchor my dinghy with bags of Yen
and avoid your curly fathers banque/банк/banco.

It could never work darling
I only go out on Sundays.
My coinage will sparkle virgin trees
and birds will fly, fly printed and fly colorful from my cage
b’for dive bombing in magnificent splendor.

Will then the world be silenced?
By laughing babes?
The Earth screechingly stops (rotation is a myth)
and makes mankind heave. What a sight!
And now I stop breathing
It is only right.

[1] “Get me out of here you bastards!”
[2] beast.
[3] “French is a tricky language, eh?”

Canto MYOB

If you stare at the grass long enough
it will turn blue like your mothers eyes
the strands each lined up like soldiers
You should cut it ya knw, chief
I know yer hand hurt from cuttin the switches
but you should cut it ya know.
and a one
and a two
and a three
and a four
They all come marching together
In groups of 10 or 12
with thur Guns and thur attitudes
smirks and smiles look the same in the rain
same on any mans face
same on any mans land

you can NOT ride bikes in the mudd
you'de have to wear boots and pedal harder

can i interest you in a bagel she said?
no you can't
no you cannot interest me in such a thing
i prefer omelets in the morning
and flowers in the eve

shun the non believers
and rant if they ask you not
because the grass is blue
and the cereal tastes better red
and i wear the flag as a shoe lace in my left shoe

i whisper things in my sleep she said
i hear every word you mutter he replied
she was embarrased and asked him to sleep on the couch
he made her cereal in the morning
she made him an omelet


But the sun continues moving when no one watches it
Streaking the sky elsewhere
Wo niemann beobachten
"Politics" said a senile man, "are shit.
You just can't smell it yet."

The high hills have eyes,
but the little ones can't open them yet,
so be wary in the mountains because,
well, they might see you,
and landscape rarely changes.

Wer hat an meine Schuhe tinkeln?
If none of you g.d.m.f.c.s tell me
Wer hat an meine Schuhe tinkeln
I will condamn the s.o.b to textual
The warmth quickly turned to cold
But the stench remained and I
among these shades of men
nose it

The day fades quickly
and men have asked if the sun will
rise again to start a new day.
very confidentially i ask you: What do you think?
Even if the world were to continue spinning
it would spin with less zeal if it
hears not the final broadcast
of one who truly knows.

Cantos LXXVI

Come forth les nuages noirs
surrounding darkness
metallic embracing

J’aime bien les SLIM JIMZ
disappearing forest cellz
15/12 @ US 36.75 (sans shipping)

Tout qu’il dit ne dure pas la fortune
(ça, c’est correct)

stick rain-dear
f e ed on the grass of Mr. Shaffer’s field
gazing up at the skie

grow/ feed/ live to reproduce more/
comme vous, in your image,
mais pourquoi

Tout qu’il dit ne dure pas la fortune

watching the clouds pass
the time slow
/molasses'' and 'maple trees/
the yr’’’ brings

consume le blé of the people
weave gots two stop them

Tout qu’il dit ne dure pas la fortune

(president AJ was my HOMEBOIE)

comme je suis un fou
Itz jus fo decorachun

the fieldz bend to the soft
breeze (approx. 35 mph
Never Eet Shredded Wheet)

Tu penses que je te plaisante
mais ce n’est pas ça

Itz jus fo decorachun



The bacon eggs with chocolate milk
. I ate.
"The world is a blue donut" says the Flossmoorian
. Alpha Lambda Alpha N
. "Bitchity bitch bitch bithchity bitchity bitchy"
Sayeth the Bryan of Zach
. T-Rex.
. Insert some Foreignese here and Pronoun here.
It's sunny when the sun is out, yeah, totally.
. Meaningful phrase that sounds cool, right here.
Pisan Pizza taste like Pee. Ha! Pee.
More foreign stuff here. Insert Chinese character for asshole.
. So ALL CAPS for reasons of love and emphasis.
. Insert something here.
"The safety of a fart is oh most dangerous." --- Abraham Lincoln
. Stapler.
No, you don't make sense. I don't. But you don't. But I don't
You don't. Bacon was extra greasy.
. Super gross.
. Very super gross.
You're super gross when you eat super gross bacon
Damn. I ate super gross bacon
. Foreign phrase!
. Reference to ancient history for satirical purpose, right here.
Man sleep on Futon
. Super gross futon.
Man is super gross. You're super gross.
Damn I'm super gross.
. Insert words of wisdom that really isn't.
IN ALL CAPS again, FOR EMPHAsis on point missed a stanza ago.
Insert Chinese Character for super gross dirty bitches
. Right Here.
I'm a canon. Publish me.
I'll stick you in a cannon. Publish ME. (With EMPhaSiS)
Canonize ME. Cuz I'm cool
. Ezra This.

Genital Spanish

“I feel that there is a lot of penis in your speech”
. I am the great nephilim of humanity
. The son of God after all

“But you eat pestilence”
. Para breakfasto
. Por que me llamo English
My words live on comet tails
and in the sky where there is Chaplain B
and on a farm where there was Farmer Was
. Farmer Was was not a c.s.
. but his son might have been a c.s. or a m.f.
. a g.d. c.s. m.f. s.o.b. queer

Tengo un grande stiffo
. Farmer Was was not proud of what wd be his sn’s
. And Chaplain B has a frog in her throat
What is a frog but a green gato
“Pound me”
. I cannot pound what I cannot see
. and I cannot see you because it is dark
. and you are African

“That is uncalled for”
. Farmer Was was in agreement with this assessment
. but his g.d. c.s. m.f. s.o.b. d.h. sn queer wd not

You eat the stank off my barefeet
“But they give shoes in prison”
. Ws not prison bt Hell
. Hell I saw and the Jersey coast
. You eat the stank of my Jersey barefeet

I am more realer than you
and my speech is not of penis but dick
. and that is more profounder and bien than tu
Estoy Spanish and Chaplain B approves

My feet are sore because they tread on your dreams
. and you dream of c.s.’s and Farmer Was’s sn

And if you weren’t such a g.d. c.s. m.f. a.h. d.h. s.o.b. d.b.
. I would respect you
But my words are too pronounced to b prncd and you are too dmb to knw them because my hgh spch confuses one sch as you and Farmer Was who was nvr going to tlk to you anwy because all ths tme he assmed you were jst a nther c.s. m.f.

And you cnt spk Espanol anwy





turducken formed on the T/r/opical

Sunny day of the Easter mourn with

the chocolate/cake that dad left me

not eat for the mourn.

A cake-less variety of man which

ALONE one cat could not eat,

but the Cake® isn't a lie, but Lying

is the cakE with the pudding

pops. To arms! Bear Arms!

Bear arms with fuzz and fur and warm

on the tooth-less rock garden.

Thus speakth the deepth thinkerth:

1337 teh awsom CH0C0LATE!!!!

gratz ftw & wtf roflcopter lmao

total noob - omg lulz dis tpic is so 1337

zomg NO000O0O0OOOO0!!1!11

lol can ne1 tel mee

how 2 post heeroes?


And the lying down Cake® takes no answer

for no and waltzes through the

SG1 with no c.s. Lewis behind him to guide

to the magic place of wonder,: Candy Mountain.

THEY TOOK MY FUCKING kidneys. I need those

why would they do such and evil act

with the dancing and the singing and the magical

leoplaridon. Why has not spoketh the Caketh®?

All that remains is the disturbed faktion.

Evans blue matches to the Black Parade

with the Snow Patrol and a DragonForce.

No cs games to play with the sniping and the camping

and the fuckin assholes who are complete and utter

worthless dicks... damn them, damn them to hell and the horse

they rode in on.




turduckin in the form of a Cake

with no icing and no marbled stone

to chew one damn it all

I hate them wabbits and the carrots.


Canto M

Thissa how you make hambugers came from the tall mans
Wot do you do nex? An enquiry
The new man sat there dumfounded Wot is next? I’ll tell u wot is next
The tall man grabbed the paper with unnecessary charm
Quickly wrapped the burger threw it down the tube
He smiled Its not that hard a job
The people behind the glass continue their work
We cant hear them talk
Locked out in the kitchen
Another order is in the tall man says to the new
Tell me what you are going to do
Very good I think you are going to be a fine worker here now what do you do
I look at the paper and doan understand
Like romney I just want out
For the betterment of all
4 stations at 4 places
Un fiesta por favor
Drop the fries drop the fries
This is how you make a hamburger
Any questions ask
More burgers to make
Drop the fries
Medium O-Ring
A returned burger, make it right
Her eyes as red as cherries
The g.d.m.f. customers always have to be right
Want to throw the burger at them
The g.d.m.f. customers suck
I make the burger right.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Earth, Cotton, hen house, a match of the bastardo
All of the blanchness,
Manure shit as per the delmonte pineapple
Breath not wat s//add si leur most touchy
Can elude from my skin
I shad nor loaf tea bag moyenne soco
With lime I not drunkard
So Salisbury steak
Fit in intestine in my colostomy pouch
Adri-an Ad----ri----an!
And her south paw gone right from turtle shock
Ant sheya no ye old bitch.
Going to the bat mitzvah tinkin bout prioriteys
Por Steven Speilberg
Cld have been last nightl
Or Gustavius fielding the bacci ball of the Wingnut
& wu/ nut havisham cake
With out remorse wudey/ave Puerto in la mason jar=)
Prizes Mr. George C. Scott whistling Dixie.
Widt postulant puss theatrical flatulent
Than that of a horse with many colors
Whoo Horton hears harlet
But with queen’s bohemian rhapsody and good humor bars
(is this for real or is this just fantasy)
Shaft head waved me out of Chorro
N I heard it through the grape vine and salmonella surface.


Earth, Cotton, hen house, a match of the bastardo
All of the blanchness,
Manure shit as per the delmonte pineapple
Breath not wat s//add si leur most touchy
Can elude from my skin
I shad nor loaf tea bag moyenne soco
With lime I not drunkard
So Salisbury steak
Fit in intestine in my colostomy pouch
Adri-an Ad----ri----an!
And her south paw gone right from turtle shock
Ant sheya no ye old bitch.
Going to the bat mitzvah tinkin bout prioriteys
Por Steven Speilberg
Cld have been last nightl
Or Gustavius fielding the bacci ball of the Wingnut
& wu/ nut havisham cake
With out remorse wudey/ave Puerto in la mason jar=)
Prizes Mr. George C. Scott whistling Dixie.
Widt postulant puss theatrical flatulent
Than that of a horse with many colors
Whoo Horton hears harlet
But with queen’s bohemian rhapsody and good humor bars
(is this for real or is this just fantasy)
Shaft head waved me out of Chorro
N I heard it through the grape vine and salmonella surface.

A Quixotic Thought Inspired By Pound…Canto 79

Oh moonside nebula floating
An equestrian dream
Latent squozen showgut
Ardent & swollen
Shitbrick of twine
…were it not old & leaksy

Shew! HARK

Stallion with a gimp
Dirty pig pens await.

oDd were it not
Semblancing of a dot
Burlesquean vignette
Cookie smashed in fishnet
‘Tiz none but Ezra Pound
How lovely & sneedsie you looney-loo feezy
Mister “Me PISAN everything!”
The wombat concurs
Your PIS is acidic,
Mostly when eaten with crackers, mostly.

La dee fleepin’ daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you can PISAN things E-Z-R-AAAA!!
So can Dante and little fannyboo
Kiss the hand of [ ] times two

Did Lynyrd inspire your birds on a wire?
One on six off two sideways three across nine backwards four corn sixty-eight upside up
_____ birds akin to a wire…

But, Skynrd said you were free.
BIRDIE! BIRDIE! FREE! FreebirdiebirdiebirdiebirdieBiRd, sir

T-welve guppies on
Siamese TrAMPolines.
thirsty thirsty no water for slurping, tunnels exerted
Guppies = DRY! (like hardened PLAy-TO..philosophize me) junebug~

Alas…una caja llena de sangre verde
He says, ‘a box full of green blood….’
Is What Makes The Sun Come Up.

Interesting contextualization sunnysidetwistedovereasyscrambled…
Jumble of brain pain
Cantos are conceited strains of murky
elucidated sayings…
Figure 8 concentrate
For PRISON is the elixir of life
to a lackey amid the
sky full of rye


Yell at the guards
The guns will silence your fall
The notes are black and sing and fly
Don’t eat sleep breed
Constant yelling but why beautiful and artistic
Phooey is that in the book
Years without meaning im smart
Crazy I am different
People don’t ever understand me
So I write in broken verse
No punctuation
Odd lines
Words and terms people don’t know
Why don’t anyone see it
The meaning its there its obvious
Fly 2001 guards its there
In a cell they watch me and see my downfall
No one helps I suffer day and night
but im different
the air falls dark teeth chatter
the two left the grass of creation cold pants and
shirts stiff
They walk over and slide it under and It spills
I try to pick It up but no use its gone she is gone
He is gone it is gone
Soakedintothemud I scream
Write write what you see I know I can get through to them
They will understand my
Mind is exploding but at least
The notes are black and sing and fly