Saturday, January 26, 2008


Now, when I walked into the valley of
The vain, I found an old acquaintance
Of mine who I also jeered and despised

Monsieur le Cochon was still all about himself
Standing in front of a mirror talking
To the wretched reflection that was he

And when I looked to the left of him
There stood the Lady Truhillo, having
something other than her own ego shoved

up her tight ass: ‘twas her face covered
in shit, vile chile con carne spew’d
out her mouth as always and onto Monsieur

Who danced for himself and flattered himself
while A serpent—and it had six feet—shot up
And hooked one of these wretches with all six

With the middle feet it hugged the asshole’s stomach
And with the front ones, grabbed him by the arms,
And bit him first through one cheek, then the other.

And to the right of Lady and Monsieur
Stood Sister Megan with green teeth eating
A pile of dog shit and preaching how

G-d chose her to teach me a lesson ‘bout
How I should be; at this, the serpent darts
For her neck and tears out her unholy guts

And Lady throws some of her own excrement
Onto the steaming pile of Nun-shit
While Monsieur ignores all but himself

Bugs creeping over his body and
Eating his flesh. Devils come and force a
Large potato covered in spikes down his throat

But Monsieur still compliments.

on Inferno being a political text:

I think Inferno may be a political text since Dante used his religious beliefs to cast down any of his political enemies.

I was also thinking about how the Church would have reacted to this book: considering what I have studied about the goings on in the history of the Church, the Middle ages and the renaissance period (600-1517) was when all the injustecies started to become most apparent. So, if the Pope could have made his horse a saint and there would not have been any question of it, who is to say that there could have been such a large reaction to an author who wants to damn his enemies to hell? The Church was rilly, rilly, rilly fucked up back then (and still is), and there may have been some belief in Predestination them. But who knows? I'm a little rusty on my Church History, but that's what I remember from Catholic schools.

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