Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Most Treacherous Act

I'd like to apologize in advance for failing to be as graphic as my classmates. As an easily frightened weak stomached twenty year old, graphic is not my forte, but I genuinely exerted myself.

To be inserted in Canto 32, after line 12

The Pilgrim sees the sexual predators

With epileptic acrobats in their guts

A squirt of blood with every somersault

The agony of birth with each impure thought

Placentas of pain squeezed from their genitals

As they cyclically torture themselves

Syphilis slowly claiming their senses

Each bodily secretion scalding their flesh

Bananas peeling for each of the men

The Pilgrim sees Dale Boehme[1], convicted rapist

The ultimate violation- his daughter.

It was her sister’s wedding night.

The women[2], ravaged by chlamidya.

Cervical cancer slowly sapping their lives.

Re-birthed as infants on methamphetamine.

Men watch their lovers’ grotesque transformation

As their tears burn rivulets down their faces

And their flesh clings to their skeletal remains.

Their chalk-stick frames gradually crumble

Their existence reduced to crystal meth mounds

That their swollen-bellied ex lovers devour

As each rises the circus commences again

The blood oozes from their infectious corpses

As the gymnasts inside restart their routine[3]

[1] This name has not been changed. That story is not fictional. His daughter is technically his step daughter, his wife’s child from a previous marriage. Diane, her mother (his wife) has remained married to him. I cannot fathom a version of hell dark enough to give that woman what she deserves. This is my best attempt at what her husband should receive.$0C1$F0$

[2] Diane, included

[3] I put this in one of the deepest circles of Hell with the traitors because to me, sexual assault is one of the most horrid forms of betrayal, and to do it to someone you know, who trusted, loved you, is a traitorous act.

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