Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Post

This is inserted in Canto 28 after line 30
His heart lies on the floor the veins bursting
Oozing black muck trickling from his guts
With a sharp razor he saws at his head
Until his body is sliced to the bones(1)
The pilgrim forced to look away from him
He sees the Garcias, Kurthners, Boonstras Gannons
All doomed to the same task in hell as they
The pilgrim laughs at fellow enemies
He flaunts his warm jacket, socks, pants, and shirt
Shoving the clothes into the open wounds
Entangled within the guts and organs(2)
Bored with his playful antics he moved on
He came across a sluggish dark figure
Choking on her own thick sticky black blood
The blood is like jumping in boiling water
It’s pouring out her nose, eyes, and butt
Constantly burning and scalding her insides
Instead of feet she has spikes that with each step
Dig further and further into her body
Cutting nerves and muscles as they slice the flesh(3)

1) This is just continuing from where the poem left off as he rips himself open.
2) I was trying to add some modern stuff in the poem so that’s why the people I know are having socks and clothes stuffed in their open wounds…I guess that’s modern.
3) I added the women because I felt like my poem wasn’t very disgusting and I just got an idea of what I wouldn’t want happen to me, so I scratched out the last part and added this. I also thought it went with the idea of people being ripped open when I talked about the spikes that are her feet.

Question about book
Why did Virgil get so angry at the pilgrim when he was listening to the two people talk?
Virgil harshly reprimands his companion, telling him that it is demeaning to listen to such a petty disagreement.

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