Saturday, March 1, 2008

Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway

Pater noster, light of lords, king of kings, heaven and all

I invoke your name, your presence, tuus spiritu,

oh, nameless one. Let no man bear the cross

alone and bare. Give peace and protection,

lord of lore, pacem praesidiumque da, to

the one who needs it most, mother,

The one who bore me, Christine Marie Mech Kwiatkowski,

she who knows the quiet cow on the skiing slops of

the Alps, she who is married

to a worker and a father,

she who puts up with twins

of the tetragametic chimerism, but not really,

and another son, but four

children daily, she who lost

her mother quickly and unceremoniously to fools

and fair freedomless fortuneless fathoms, the poppy

of the seeds of the Wicked Witch, sleep

child, sleep no more, but til the morn comes

in the cloudless and dayless sky. For I shall stand here

and plant the seeds of the doubtless/ful papaver rhoneas

into the works of man.

So protect her, agna, protect her from the horrors of the world:

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

the pressures of the teaching environment;

papaver atlanticum – I curse away

thou empty life, and cast ye into the desplaines river.

She who is a teacher, one of fools and little

children, how often the same really, with the

whining and the cryi-

wait too young, of the 7th and 8th

graders. A desk witness the trials and

tribulations, hydrodamalis gigas, with 42+ students

across the day of course,

babysitter wages = lies,

filled with countless hours and minutes

clocked by the sounds of monotone and

mondays. But its always a thursday

and never got the hang of it, did she, no.

Knowing is knowledge is not the the no

of the Nottingham novella, so grant the pax

required to work through the days of youre.

pacem praesidiumque da, and protect her from

the pains of death, save her brother from his disease;

bronchioli respiratorii – I curse away

thou folk fluids, and cast ye into the desplaines river

She who is the liver at 45 S. California Ave

mundelein, in the north suburb of Chicago, home

of the Burger King with coke and coke, pedophiles

and murders, but still no shooting. No use crying over

the mistake, especially with cake. She who

has always lived in mundane lion, once two blocks

from her junior high, where the iron sleeps,

is necessary sometimes to work

through the school daze/days.

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

the periods of loneliness that plague society;

papaver alpinum – I curse away

thou needless workings, and cast ye into the desplaines river

She of oak and elm, pine and fur. She of the lake

county counting and counting the dreamless

lily of the marked pox of pacis. No Reaver am I.

Reach forth king of kings, stretch arms as though a

dying elm of our front lawn, reach forth and

stretch to the ands of guide her, guide to grace

and peace, happiness. That time graced to us,

is an illusion, a lusion of the day and allusion to

the night, and thus lunch time, doubly so. Especially

with sperm whales from the sky. The elm can not catch

something as that, but you can, thylacoleo.

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

the darkness of the fear that lies awake at night.

ligamentum collaterale tibiale – I curse away

thou foul break, and cast ye into the desplaines river.

The cake is lying moist. Lying awake

in the mephistophilitic world of bel's bells, the

nephroptosis harms no more. It does not dingle and

dangle with the displaced breast tissue, neither of which She

has. Harden thy blood, for haemochromatosis lacks

what the seeds deliver. The fox can hamr with its weapons of mass

echinococcosis, but fear not him for there is protection.

The moist cake lies and brings about naphthalene poison,

so eat well and stay away from fire. The cake is lying moist.

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

burnt cake with the terrible crust;

papaver gracile – I curse away

thou false grace, and cast ye into the desplaines river.

She who bakes the most delicious cakes and cookies,

especially this peanut butter one that almost

melts in your mouth when you eat it. In the beginning

thought, it was created, some regarded it

as a bad idea, but I enjoyed it. The peanut better cookie.

Not the universe. Happiness, hydrodamalis gigas, does not come

from moving around little green sheets of paper,

considering these papers are not unhappy themselves

but in the form of a freshly baked peanut butter cookie

from she who bakes. Some's the effect of

having your brains smashed out with a

slice of lemon zest wrapped around a gold brick.

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

the greed of society, let her keep her money.

membrana vitrea - I curse away

thou foolishness, and cast ye into the desplaines river

She of Lake Michigan and other tiny lakes

around the county. She of the dog who sleeps on

the couch against threat of lemon juice. She of the

blue chrystler, which is a nice car but hard to get into

sometimes. (What are cows? At home)

She of the broken ligamentum collaterale carpi radiale

from dancing at a wedding. She of the computer illiterate,

working (ever talk to a computer, thylacoleo, it hates me) a great

deal on it. School requires it, as well does

home and pleasure.

pacem praesidiumque da, protect her from

ignorance of people, allow them to understand her.

Papaver somniferum – I curse away

thou embodiment of slumber, and cast ye into the desplaines river.

She of the red fox, sly and cunning, intelligent and witty,

take faith in the guile and wit to outclass the leading

powers of your work. Protect her, red fox, granting

the vision and knowledge to walk without care.

She of the white-tailed deer, noble and wise,

take faith in the mothering and protection of

your young and life. Protect her, white-tailed deer,

guiding through the forest to the peaceful waters.

She of the barn owl, reader and knowledge bearer,

take faith in the books of the tree and the workings

of your knowledge. Protect her, barn owl, from the world's

anger by hiding away in a book.

She of the black lab, loyal and loving, never doubting,

take faith in your love of family and life and guide yourself

by them. Protect her, black lab, bark at the intruders and

greet the arrivers.

She of the field mouse, meek yet strong, a force

for itself, take faith in your duties and existence, for you

at live by his grace, be blessed. Protect her field mouse,

for the meek shall inherit the earth.

Beatitudes grace so much, and disease so little,

or other way away; confusion equals disease

of the walking wath wingdim winklering whil witou

warmth. Homes and holmes hold no boundaries,

and nothing is elementary, hydrodamalis gigas, so bless

she of the heart, so I can sleep.

PATER noster, qui est in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum.

Protect and guide, agna, giving her the happiness from

the sorrow of loss;

Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.

Protect and guide, lux lucis, from the terrible floods

of human emotion;

Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut

Protect and guide, rex regorum, away from the mythic

forest of fear;

et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

Protect and guide, caelus omniaque, from the over

stimulation of cloud particules;

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.

Protect and guide, domninus litterarum, from the course

changes of the oh-hi-oh river.


grant us your peace.

1 comment:

A. said...

Love the reference in the title. :)