Sunday, March 2, 2008

Prayer to Protect My Lovely Misunderstood Friend

Tiny chipmunk, save room in your cheek pouches for the soul of my friend, Talessa Marie Herrin, now of Tucson Arizona, previously of Clinton Illinois, with failing lumber region at the tender age of twenty-six.

Aerodynamic falcon, gouge into my friend, Talessa Marie Herrin, remove her varus L4 and L6 and replace them with mine, then fly her deterious bones as high as the sun dropping them on each parhelion for destruction by explosion.

Gentle owl, fly her far from the acid rains that have plagued her young life, letting the flap of your wings create a zephyr blowing through the Acacia and Cottonwood trees offering a zaleplon, numbing the pain of her reality.

Crafty beaver, build an aneroid home for my friend, Talessa Marie Herrin, to hold back the raptuitious Santa Cruz River, abusive father, neurotic mother, and other Wooly Mammoths that have tried to trample her livelihood.

Prickly Pear Cactus, scratch the phalanges of stalkative ex-boyfriends and giant ground sloth who reach to devour her temporal lobe and all remembrances of pain they have caused.

Sweet Parry Penstemon and Wild Brittlebush, flood her nasal cavities and dendrites with your botaniful aroma offsetting the lowest depths of her bipolarity.

Propel her salient, chili pepper passion through dancing, dreaming, laughing, and loving and drown her disease in the muddy pits of Lake Mead.

Let my friend, Talessa Marie Herrin, mother of one, sister to two, driver of no car, displaced owner of lost feline Charlie, know that I am the salmon that swims in the Colorado River, and Alamo Lake, and the bird path in her backyard, that is ever-present in the waterways and brainwaves and capillaries of her being and to reach to me is to have protection.


Brenda said...

Real nice....she is so loved by her family...

Irene said...

Crazy! I'm cheching out the blogs and see NUTTY Talessas name. There is no helping your friend. She is a crazy stalker of a woman, if there was any hope for her, its long gone now!

Irene said...

Loved or not, Talessa has real problems and she needs to keep them to herself