As I sit here, contemplating how truly frightening
This vast world around me can be,
My thoughts turn to good Paolo, of the house of Romanti.
I have known Paolo as long as I have known a true friend,
For he and I have shared many good times and
Have gone through a great deal of experiences together.
Paolo Toma Romanti, with cream colored skin,
Freckles adorning his wide nose and hidden
Beneath his patchy black facial hair, which my mother
Often begs him to shave so she might see his face,
And I could have likened to a Chipmunk, maybe a
Weird kind of squirrel, or some other critter,
Was born to a very Irish dame with bright red hair
Who went by the name of Melanie Metcalf, but
Now is Melanie Romanti, after she married a man.
The man who Melanie Metcalf with her bright red hair
Married was the mechanically inclined and disarming
Antonio Romanti, who must be the source of
The intense laziness of young Paolo.
While Paolo Toma Romanti was born in a place called
Souix Falls, a city in the east of South Dakota.
I believe that Janus, the God of Doors,
must be Paolo's protector, for many times
In his life he has found the doors in front of him
Opened and leading to places of opportunity.
The doors first opened when young Romanti was
in his Third year of life, and they would lead him to
The city where the Mighty Mississippi and
Raging Rock rivers come to a crashing intersection.
The forecast was looking bright for his young life,
And he would go on to attend Ridgewood elementary,
Which is where our paths first intertwined.
While we did not take to each other immediately,
I'm positive that our anterior chambers, or
Perhaps our Oculi, met at that time.
It wouldn't be until after we switched schools,
Both of us in the same year, for different reasons,
That I would run into the much taller Paolo.
Third grade at Earl H. Hanson Elementary school
Was not the easiest time for me.
I attribute this to my being fat. And also shy.
But mostly to my being fat.
So, I didn't have any friends. People don't like
Fat people very much, unless it is to laugh at them,
In which case, people like fat people very much.
So, young, fat, third grade me was walking around,
Until I was drawn to someone running and jumping
Into the stone wall of the building.
"What are you doing?" asked young fat me.
"Trying to remember how to fly." was his response.
I couldn't argue with his logic, and soon both of us
Were running and jumping into the stone wall,
Only he could jump much higher and I bounced
Eventually, we learned to tame our mammoth
and bizerkian imaginations, and joined football games.
Religion is nothing I've given much credence,
But I think there is something powerful in what
Paolo's redheaded mother once said of us.
"Your friendship is so strong because
God wills it. He brought you two together."
If that is why we are still such great friends,
Then I will not disagree with Mrs. Romanti.
God may have set the stage for our meeting,
and for that I am grateful, but if he truly exists,
He will watch over Paolo Toma Romanti
If he ever is sent to fight in Eyerock, or Afghan, or
Another of the countries who would rather the
Red of our flag be Blood.
Janus, may you close your doors and bring peace
To those you hold inside the temple of your heart.
Romanti and I, we're gamers at heart.
We've slain the Behemoth with Cloud Strife,
We've saved Peach and Daisy from the evil Sunflowers,
We've sat in front of the TV set so long that we've
Developed severe cases of Edema and Sub
Conjunctivital Hemorrages, in our I's.
Once, we were playing basketball, because
We are more than just nerds and weirdos,
And on a misfire from me, of course,
(Romanti liked to call me a Marshmellow for a long time,
And I've never been quite sure how to take it)
We killed my mom's potted marigolds and some violets around them.
She was fluered.
Romanti's house, located near Sunset Marina and a few
Miles from West Lake, in Davenport,
Houses his 3 brothers, 2 younger and 1 older,
As well as his Melanie and his Antonio.
Ceres must have been incensed when the land in Romanti's
Yard was being plotted, or else somebody else was,
For there are no trees in his yard. Oh well.
One thing that Romanti and I enjoy doing, in Add
ition to our gaming and chatting and music listening,
Is to drink insane amounts of Mountain Dew and eat
Double Decker Tacos from T-bell. It's belicious.
Romanti joined the National Guard last year.
My dad thought it was a sign of maturity,
That maybe young Paolo Toma Romanti was actually
On his way to growing up and becoming a productive
member of society. I was just scared about it all.
He still serves inactively, but he hasn't been deployed.
I'm hoping those doors close soon, because as long as they're
Open, there's a chance he could be called in.
He's chased rabbits under fences before,
Much to my amusement.
So, a lot of stuff has been said. Here's the breakdown:
Come hell, wind, high water, or storms of any kind,
Romanti and I are gonna stick with this whole friendship thing.
I'm just hoping God, Janus, Ceres... Whoever has the power
Or Authority to do so, keeps the kid safe,
From bullets and Drafts and Car accidents
Heartbreak and Callouses, Blisters, Sore Feet,
Hitting his head, His little brothers driving him insane,
Loneliness, Court Cases, Cancer, Planters Warts,
A Potpourri of life's problems.
At some point...
Saturn, God of Time, turns things up on Paolo and
Gets his ass in gear, cuz life isn't gonna wait forever.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
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1 comment:
Props for FF7 reference! :D
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